"You're right," she nods, and I give her a kiss on her forehead.

"Now," I say, sitting up in bed. "It's time for me to go make you that promised dinner."

"I'm helping," she insists.

As we finish dressing, the tension between us is palpable. I pull her close for one last embrace, wanting to feel the comfort she brings me.

Suddenly, my phone rings, the shrill sound jarring us both from our thoughts. I glance at the screen, my heart sinking as I see Marco's name flash across it. Reluctantly, I answer, pulling away from Jasmine to give myself some semblance of privacy.

"Marco, what's going on?" I ask, my voice tight with anxiety.

"Dario, your father made a grave mistake," Marco says, his voice heavy with dread. "Frank isn't taking it lightly – they've declared war."

"What are you talking about?" I mutter.

"Your father accused him of bringing the sniper to his compound during that arms negotiation and refuses to let it go. He took war to Frank's place. Frank is pissed and ready to wreak havoc on the Marchettis."

"Shit," I mutter under my breath, my mind racing as I consider the implications of this news. A full-fledged war would mean a shift in power and countless lives lost, including those of the people I care about most.

"We need to talk about what to do," Marco adds, sounding genuinely concerned.

"I'll call you right back, Marco," I reply, ending the call and turning back to Jasmine, who has been watching me intently. The worry in her eyes tells me that she already knows something is very wrong.

"Jasmine, there's been a development," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "It seems my father made a costly mistake, and now our enemies have declared war. I need to go and deal with the situation. I'll be in the other room on a few calls. Please, order in some food. I'm sorry I can't cook you that dinner I promised."

"Do what you must, Dario," she whispers, as she gives me a quick kiss on my cheek. "All the best. You've got this."

Chapter 31

A Gamble Gone Wrong


I sit at the dinner table, absently flipping through today's newspaper as I take small bites of my pasta. The aroma of garlic and fresh basil fills the small apartment, a warm embrace that comforts me.

Dario is in his office, dealing with yet another crisis related to his father's recent actions. I can hear him murmuring into the phone, his voice tense but controlled.

I feel mild anger at his father, The Don Marchetti, for yet again disappointing my Dario. If only he could see what a loving son he has, perhaps he won't be so ready to cause so much chaos. Dario deserves better.

I sigh and force myself to focus on the present, or else, the anger will eat me alive.

My eyes scan the headlines, noting the usual stories about crime sprees and political scandals. Then, I spot the date in the corner of the page, and my heart suddenly drops. I count back the days on my fingers, anxiety rising like bile in my throat. My period is late - very late.

Panic begins to set in, and I try to push it down, reminding myself that stress can also cause irregular cycles. And Dario and I have faced nothing but stress in recent weeks. But the nagging fear lingers, gnawing at my insides.

What if I'm pregnant? The thought terrifies me, considering my role as a spy and the danger this mission entails. Bringing a child into this mess would be disastrous.

With a racing heart and plate forgotten, I grab my coat and wallet. I drop Dario a text about needing to go the store for some painkillers and close the door behind me.

The cold night air hits my face as I hurry down the street, my mind racing with a thousand thoughts. I can't help but imagine how Dario would react to the news of a pregnancy. Would he be happy? Terrified? Angry? The uncertainty only fuels my anxiety.

He'd probably be happy.

But what would happen when he discovers who I am?

My mind is a convoluted place right now. There's no point thinking of the what-if's until I have more clarity on whether I am or am not pregnant.

One step at a time, Jasmine.