"Over here, Dario," comes a hushed voice from the darkness. As my eyes adjust, I see three silhouettes. My inner circle, with the exception of Marco, has gathered around a makeshift table. The air crackles with tension as I lead Jasmine towards them.

"Jasmine," I say, addressing the group, "has proven herself to be an invaluable ally. She will be joining us for this meeting."

Nods of approval greet my declaration, and I can sense the respect they have for my final word. We take our seats, and the room falls silent as everyone braces themselves for the revelations about to unfold.

"Alright," I begin, steeling myself for what's to come. "Let's get started."

The three men at the table are an eclectic mix of my most reliable contacts, each with a unique set of skills. First, there's Enzo, a former intelligence officer with silver hair and a tattoo of a snake running over his eyebrow and down the side of his cheek.

He exudes a quiet confidence, earned through years of navigating the dangerous world of espionage. Next to him sits Cipher, a skilled hacker with thick black-rimmed glasses and a mischievous smirk.

His dark Mocha skin seemed to blend in with his consistent attire: a black turtleneck and black jeans. His afro fade is neatly trimmed and perfectly sculpted. His fingers tap rhythmically on the table as if he's itching to get back to his computer.

And finally, there's Luciano, a black-market art dealer with the air of sophistication that one would expect from someone in his line of work. The sharp lines of his tailored suit contrast starkly against the grime of our surroundings.

"Enzo," I nod, allowing him to begin. He clears his throat before speaking.

“Boss,” he starts. “We don’t know where to begin.”

I simply sit back and tap my fingers in front of me, knowing that sometimes silence is the best way to encourage people to proceed.

“Alright boss,” Cipher says, stepping in for Enzo. “We’re here to pledge our loyalty to you.”

I throw a glance at Jasmine, who looks as confused as I feel. These men don’t need to pledge their loyalty to me. They’ve always been my men.

“Again?” I ask.

Cipher and Enzo exchange glances while Luciano, in his classic manner of throwing in the punchline, stands and shoves some papers towards me, before declaring:"Siamo qui per giurare fedeltà a te e solo a te, Capo. Da oggi, rispondiamo a nessuno tranne che a te."

We’re here to pledge loyalty to you and you alone, Capo. From today, we answer to no one but you.

The words hang heavy in the air as I take in what they mean. They just called me Capo.

“My father is still alive,” I spit out, angry at the betrayal. “He’s your capo.”

“Not anymore,” Enzo says, at last.

Jasmine looks as worried as I feel. They’re talking about a coup, and I have no idea why. My father has dedicated his life to our mafioso, even putting my mother and I on the backburner while he did so in my younger years.

“Is this how you repay the man who has sacrificed his life for you?” I bellow, in anger. I shout so loud, that Jasmine winces.

I force myself to lower my voice. “Tell me. Is this what you know of loyalty?”

Luciano leans forward, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Rumors have been circulating about a secret vault containing evidence of the Don's crimes. Art, drugs, even weapons – all hidden away from prying eyes."

"Where is this vault?" I ask, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Unknown," Luciano admits. "But we're getting closer to finding its location."

“So what?” I ask. “You wish to betray your Capo for some secret treasures? Don’t you have any secrets, Luciano? And you, Enzo?” I turn to each one in turn.

“Do you even understand the burden of responsibility my father holds on my father’s shoulders? My father is a proud man, one who would bear all trouble alone before asking for help. If he harbors secrets, it is to protect us. I know of it.”

“What about honor amongst thieves?” Enzo asks, spitefully, out of the blue.

He’s referring to our code. A code passed down through generations where even in a world of crime, there are lines we don’t cross; honor we maintain.