"Jasmine has told me so much about you," Elena says lightly, smiling at Dario, but I notice the way her gaze flickers towards me, a hidden message shining in her eyes. It's clear she wants to speak privately, but now is not the time.

"Has she?" Dario responds smoothly, though I can tell he's still wary. "I hope it's all been good."

“She sounds a little compromised in her affections towards you, but you know how it is with us young women,” she laughs.

Dario frowns at her forwardness and I go red in the face. Not from embarrassment, which is what I pray Dario believes I’m feeling, but from the secret message I know Elena is clearly trying to convey. The agency is planning to have me extracted.

Throughout our conversation, I can feel Dario's penetrating gaze on us both, as if he's trying to decipher a hidden code within our words. My heart pounds in my chest, and it takes every ounce of my self-control not to betray my fear. I wonder if he senses something is off, or it’s my guilt forcing me to look into things I don’t need to.

But I can’t stop this now, or Elena will have me extracted. I need to get my message across and pray for the best.

“Oh Elena!” I laugh, with a wave of my hands. “I’m hardly compromised. Dario is a wonderful man indeed, and I won’t lie, we have gotten very close, but there’s no need to pull the plug on my sentiments here!”

I notice Elena’s eyes narrow at the words I want her to focus on. Close. Pull the plug.

“Really?” Elena gushes, placing her elbows on her knees and leaning forward. “And how close are you exactly?” she wiggles her eyebrows.

Dario coughs and clears his throat and I giggle. I need her to understand. “Elena! Poor, innocent Dario is being put on the spot! Don’t embarrass him and I now, come on. We’re very close, but can we drop this now before you scare the poor man off?”

Elena laughs and sits back. I know she understands what I’m trying to say.

He’s innocent.

I’m close to bringing this whole racket down.

I need time.

I try to keep the conversation going and maintain my cover. For Elena to have come here, Dario needs to know she had a good reason. I give Elena a bait, hoping she takes it now.

"Elena has been an inspiration to me since our university days. She organized countless fundraisers and events for various charities, always putting others before herself."

"Jasmine is too kind," Elena demurs, a false modesty painting her features. "It's just important to give back when you can, don't you think?"

"Absolutely," Dario agrees, his eyes still fixed on Elena as if he's searching for something amiss.

"Anyway," I say, hoping to wrap up the discussion before any suspicions arise, "it's getting late, and I know Elena must be tired and desperate to get home. What is it I can do for you, Elena?”

“Oh yes, about that,” Elena continues, finishing off her glass of wine. “I’m hosting a charity auction soon to raise funds for the children’s hospital. Can I sign you up to donate your services to the highest bidder looking to have their car customized? We’d cover the cost of the materials, of course, but the rest would go to charity.”

“Of course!” I say, without skipping a beat. “I’d love to,” I flash her a big smile.

“Oh, isn’t she just the best?” Elena asks, looking at Dario. I turn to see him flash me a proud smile, as he nods at Elena.

"Sounds perfect," Elena says, standing up with practiced poise. "Thank you again for your hospitality, Mr. Marchetti."

"Please, call me Dario," he insists, rising to his feet as well. "And it's been my pleasure. I look forward to getting to know you better."

With that, we say our goodnights, and I can't help but feel the weight of Dario's gaze on my back as I bid Elena goodbye. It's clear that he senses something is off, and I know I'll need to tread carefully if I want to keep my secret safe.

The moment the door closes behind her, I can feel the atmosphere shift, heavy with unspoken tension. A forced smile plays on my lips as I turn to face Dario

"Listen, Dario," I say hesitantly. "I'm really tired and think I'm going to head to bed." I need to get away from him, clear my head, and figure out how to handle this situation without jeopardizing my cover or our relationship.

"Of course, Jasmine," he replies, though his eyes are narrowed, still filled with suspicion. "But before you go, I want you to be honest with me." He steps forward, closing the distance between us, his gaze searching mine for any hint of deception.

"About what?" I ask, trying to maintain my composure despite the butterflies rioting in my stomach.

"About Elena," he says, his voice firm but gentle. "Is there something more going on with her that you're not telling me? I know you said she's harmless, but I can't shake this feeling that there's more to her than meets the eye. Why was she so keen on knowing how close we are? And the way she was looking around, staring at you, at me, at our clothes. It almost felt like she's trying to assess the nature of our relationship. Does she have contacts in the media industry?"