"Did the bad men hurt you?" I ask, scanning each child for injuries, ready to become their healer as well as their savior.

Heads shake, and a chorus of 'no's' bubble up, but their eyes are glazed, unfocused.

"Wait," says Jasmine, pointing at the oldest boy who has blood trickling down his forehead from the hit he took just half an hour ago outside the truck. "He's hurt."

I look around in desperation and find nothing. "Okay, just keep him awake and talking. He might have a concussion. Apart from that, we wait for the medics."

Jasmine nods, and gently instructs the kids next to him to keep him talking. She then turns back to the group.

"Can you tell us what happened? How you got here?" Jasmine's question hangs in the air, but it only seems to deepen their confusion.

"I don't remember," one whispers, hugging her knees close. "Everything's foggy. I was staying at the homeless shelter with my mum."

"I was leaving school," another whispers. "And then...I passed out, I guess."

"I was just washing the dishes at my foster mum's. She doesn't like me mum," a young girl whispers. "But I don't know what happened after."

"Drugged them," I realize aloud, fury simmering beneath my calm exterior. "Bastards drugged these kids to keep them compliant."

"Police will be here soon," Jasmine reassures, though her gaze meets mine with shared outrage.

"Will they take us home?" another child asks, lip quivering.

"Only if you wish to go home," I confirm, forcing a smile as I realize many of these kids are at immense risk where they're from, some showing signs of neglect and abuse. "Or we'll find you better ones. And we'll be in touch with you until they do."

Jasmine looks at me and frowns, walking over. "Hey," she whispers. "Don't promise them things you can't ensure."

"Who says I can't ensure them?" I almost snarl back. Jasmine looks surprised, then smiles at me, almost like she approves of my rage.

"So what's the plan?" she asks.

"I fund the elections for half the political parties in Europe. Tonight, I'll call every major politician I know and personally follow-up on the cases for each of these kids. They will, after tonight, stay safe. No matter what."

"Oh, Dario," she whispers, squeezing my hand. "That is how beautiful power can be."

I just shake my head at her. "It's the right thing to do."

"Yet you'd be surprised at how many don't," she says, before turning back and looking at the kids, giving them gentle pats of encouragement.

"Thank you," a same small boy says, his voice steadier now. "For saving us."

"Couldn't let anything happen to you guys," I say, swallowing past the lump in my throat.

"Are you like superheroes?" a little one asks, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and awe.

"Something like that," Jasmine chuckles, exchanging a look with me that speaks volumes of the night's toll on us both.

"More like guardian angels tonight," I add, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, grounding myself with her presence.

"Guardian angels," she echoes softly, leaning into me. "What are you names?"

"My name is Dario," I say, and then point at Jasmine. "And her name is Jasmine."

"Jasmine and Dario, our guardian angels," a child murmurs, and the room fills with the echo of innocent gratitude. It's a balm to the still-raw edges of our adrenaline-fueled actions.

"Angels armed to the teeth," I whisper just for Jasmine, grateful beyond words for her being here, for being this fierce, fearless force by my side.

"Armed and dangerous," she whispers back, a small smile playing on her lips despite the gravity of the situation.