There are two men, burly and menacing, their faces twisted in cruel expressions as they line up a row of children blindfolded and handcuffed.

One of the older ones, a young boy of barely fifteen, tries to free himself of the handcuffs and one of the men smacks him on the forehead with the back of his gun.

I almost gasp when blood starts dripping down his forehead but hold myself back, fearing I might put the kids at more risk if our cover is blown.

Some of the children, small and vulnerable, scream out loud only to be bellowed at in return. They become quiet as mice again.

The truck is old and battered, its windows blacked out. The two men roughly begin to shove the children inside, into the back of the truck.

My stomach churns with revulsion and horror. Bile rises in my throat, acidic and bitter. These are just children, some barely into their teens. Innocent lives stolen and shattered beyond repair.

Rage ignites inside me like a wildfire, searing away all reason and logic.

This is what Dario's father does. That monster kidnaps at-risk kids only to sell them for bonded slavery, drug peddling and worse in other countries.

I find my rage misdirected, as I turn with fiery eyes at Dario, ready to catch him in this act of terror but to my surprise, he looks horrified.

His entire body is trembling and I watch with horror as he raises his gun, hands trembling around the handle. This is not a look I'd expect in a man privy to such dealings.

But before he can pull the trigger, I lock my arm around his waist, yanking him back.

He turns to me, anger wild as fire spreading through his soul. "We need to save them."

"And we will," I whisper back. "But we'd never get answers as to who is really behind this ring. We need to get to the source of this, Dario and let the authorities handle this. Please, let me gain some evidence."

I see some clarity enter his mind. He nods, slowly. With that, he sets his gun aside and waits, allowing me to pull out my phone and take videos and photos of what is happening.

Chapter 22

Right and Wrong


My gut twists as I watch the children—small, innocent, little bodies trembling —herded like cattle into the belly of that monstrous truck.

Each of their tiny wrists is shackled with cold metal, the clinking sound cutting through the stale air of the desolate warehouse district. "Just a little longer, Dario," Jasmine's voice is steady in my ear, her hand on my arm a silent command for patience.

"Dammit, Jasmine," I hiss under my breath, my jaw tight, fingernails digging into my palms. "We've got enough evidence to put these bastards away for life."

"Trust me," she says, her thumb brushing against my skin—a small touch, but it's enough to anchor me. "We need this to stick. No loopholes, no technicalities."

"Okay," I relent, watching her phone's screen as it captures the horrors unfolding before us. It's a delicate balance, playing the savior while skirting the edges of the law, but if anyone knows how to walk that line, it's me.

Then, like a harbinger of doom, the driver strides into view from the hut behind them, keys jangling menacingly. He laughs, a cruel, guttural sound that grates on my nerves. "Let's get moving! We've got a schedule to keep!"

I can't wait any longer. The truck's engine roars to life, and my heart pounds in time with its revving. "It's now or never," I murmur, feeling Jasmine's gaze heavy on me. "Stay back and be ready to make the call."

She tries to warn me, but I'm already moving, propelled by a rage that burns hot in my veins.

"Hey!" I shout, stepping into the open. My presence catches them off guard—their heads snap up, eyes narrowing. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Who the fuck—" one kidnapper begins, reaching for his gun.

"Get the kids out of the truck," I demand, my own hand hovering over the weapon concealed at my side. "Now!"

The driver charges, his bulky form a battering ram aimed straight for me. I sidestep, throwing a punch that connects with his jaw, a satisfying crack echoing through the space between us. It's the catalyst for chaos, the kidnappers lunging toward me in a frenzy.

"Jasmine, now!" I bark, grappling with another assailant. I feel her absence behind me, trusting she's doing what's necessary while I fight tooth and nail to keep those children from disappearing into the night.