With her agreement, we make our way towards the seedy part of town where the underground fight club resides. As we enter through a dark alleyway, I give the password to the bouncer and place my finger on the fingerprint machine. The door unlocks with a click, and we step inside.

The tension in the air is evident upon entering. We walk down a dimly lit hallway, the roar of the crowd growing louder with each step until it becomes almost deafening.

This world is familiar to me, but I feel an unprecedented thrill sharing this experience with Jasmine, almost like it's my first time here too. Her hand finds mine, and I squeeze gently, letting her know I'm right here with her.

As we finally arrive at the main arena of the fight club, Jasmine's eyes widen in wonder, taking in the sight. The room is dimly lit, intense and ominous.

Spotlights cast dramatic shadows on the figures in the ring as they warm up, their muscles glistening with sweat. A raging crowd surrounds the ring, their eyes fixed on the fighters preparing for battle.

The smell of sweat and blood permeates the air, mixed with the faint scent of alcohol. All around us, barely-clad women pass around snacks and drinks. I buy us two beers and a popcorn to share.

The atmosphere is electric, charged with testosterone. Jasmine leans in close to me, her voice barely audible over the noise of the crowd. "All these people are going to be betting tonight?"

"A volte, il vincitore porta a casa un milione." Sometimes the winner takes home a million, I tell her.

I can't help but smile at her shock, my heart swelling with pride that I could show her something new and exciting. Once she's acclimatized to our surroundings, I motion to my guest relations manager.

"Right this way, Mr. Marchetti," a staff member says, leading us to our VIP seats. I can feel the weight of recognition as we pass through the crowd. Eyes follow me, whispers and nods exchanged among the shadowy figures that frequent these events.

"Hey, Dario!" one man calls out, his arms covered in tattoos. I nod in acknowledgment, a brief moment of familiarity in the chaos. Jasmine stays close, her hand gripping mine tightly. "Isn't that Denzel Perez? That billionaire playboy?" Jasmine asks.

I nod discreetly and skillfully highlight a few other people. "That's the DA. That's the dirigente superiore of the police, and right there is the Mayor of Rome."

Jasmine gasps as she takes in the crowd. "This place is full of criminals and people –"

"You don't expect to see here?" I finish her sentence. She nods.

"Crime doesn't exist without those who are tasked to keep it in check," I explain an age-old truth.

She doesn't say anything.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, feeling her tension through our intertwined fingers.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," she replies, trying to hide her nerves. "It's just... intense."

"Trust me, Jasmine," I say, pulling her closer as we take our seats. "We're going to have a great time."

As the first fight begins, people jump to their feet and begin to cheer. I stay seated, but watch Jasmine rise up and join the crowd. I grin, her energy and excitement infectious.

Fighters throw punches with brutal force, sweat and blood mixing on the floor. Jasmine watches intently, captivated by the raw power on display.

"Let's make it even more interesting, shall we?" I suggest, pulling out a thick wad of cash. "How about we stake a few high bets on tonight’s fights?"

"Really?" she asks, her eyes lighting up with excitement, but her shoulders sag. "I couldn't waste your money!"

"It's my treat."

Jasmine laughs, seemingly embarrassed by my proposal.

"Look. It will be fun. Either way, I'm going to spend it. How about we just put our minds together and all you need to do is give me your thoughts on who might win."

"Really?" she asks, clapping her hands in excitement. "Mi permetteresti di farlo?" – You'd let me do that?

In this moment, as she stands before me with her arms crossed in front of her in excitement, her breasts pressed together in a tight top, her eyes sparkling with a dazzling joy for life, I want to tell her that I'd let her do anything she likes with me... as long as she's naked.

Instead, I hold back my wild fantasies and resort to a simple: "Of course. We decided to let loose and just enjoy the night, remember?"

Jasmine studies the fighters, her eyes scanning the ring as if searching for a sign. "Alright, let's bet on the fighter in the red shorts," she finally decides.