The ominous warning echoes in my mind, and I can feel the weight of Jasmine's gaze on me, searching for reassurance. But the truth is, I have none to offer. This message is telling me to be vary of a betrayal.

"Who sent this?" Jasmine asks, her voice barely a whisper, full of fear and uncertainty. She takes the note from my hand and reads it. It's signed with one ornate G.

"The Ghost," she whispers, paling.

"The Ghost," I repeat, looking around ourselves. "And the message is meant for me."

"Is this family crest something many people could know about?" she asks.

I point toward the seal on the parchment. "This eagle with the wings outstretched is our family emblem. A secret preserved for decades, a tradition started by my great-grandfather to get messages across to our allies in times of need.

The eagle in each outstretched wing holds wheat and an olive branch, to indicate peace and prosperity. Only people close to us know of it and now, we know two things."

Her dark eyes widen as she takes in the significance of the symbol. "So, this message wasn't just meant for you, but it was sent by someone who knows your family well?"

"Exactly," I whisper, paling with the revelation.

My fingers trace the raised outline of the family crest, and my heart twists in recognition. The Marchetti seal, with its proud eagle set against a shield, represents our core values: leadership, vigilance, peace, and prosperity.

As I tuck the note safely inside my jacket, the weight of the situation settles heavily upon me. The fact that the Ghost knows us so intimately is a dangerous game. We must tread carefully until we know of his true intentions.

"Let's keep moving," I say, squeezing her hand gently before we step back into the labyrinthine streets of Rome. "We shouldn't wait around here."

"What if," she whispers. "The Ghost is somewhere around here, still?"

"He probably is," I say, glancing around as a chill sweeps through my bones. "He shot the arrow, didn't he? But something tells me we'll only find him when he wants to be found. Come now," I take her hand. "We must move. We're almost home."

Chapter 11

A Breath before the Plunge


Finally, exhausted from the night's developments, Dario and I arrive at his apartment. The apartment is modest, but decorated tastefully. There isn't a single thing here that doesn't serve a purpose.

The couch, soft and large, pulls out into an extra bed. The finishing is pristine, with the marble and lighting so immaculate, that I know he's spent a fortune on it.

It's dimly lit, and large bookshelves cover the right end of the wall behind the couch. I walk over, curious and find rows of books on philosophy. A window catches my eye, a cool drift breezing in and I walk over. I gasp, for I'm staring right at the tranquil Tiber River. I suddenly feel calm.

"Let's take a moment to catch our breath," Dario suggests, taking off his jacket and hanging it on a nearby coat rack.

I nod in agreement and realize I forgot to wear a coat to the ball. I suddenly start to shiver, noticing how cold I've been all night. Dario walks over, a frown on his face.

I become more aware of the silence surrounding us – a silence that seems almost foreign after the cacophony of gunshots and screams that filled the air earlier.

"Would you like something warm to drink?" Dario asks. "You're cold."

He picks up a remote while waiting for my response and turns on the central heating.

"Tea would be great, thanks," I reply, taking a seat on the couch. He returns and hands me a cup, and for a moment, we simply sit there, drinking in the silence. I let the warmth seep through my bones.

As we sit together in the dimly lit room, I feel a strange sense of comfort wash over me.

"Jasmine..." he begins hesitantly, "I'm sorry you got pulled into all this."

Dario's voice is gentle, filled with genuine remorse, and it sends a pang of sympathy through my heart.

"It's not your fault, Dario," I assure him gently. "You couldn't have predicted any of this. Besides, you saved my life. Twice, now."