
I grasp Jasmine's hand tightly, feeling her pulse race in sync with mine. The adrenaline is intoxicating, but I can't let myself fall into old habits of enjoying the thrill of danger, not when she's here by my side.

"Follow me," I whisper, leading her to the open window that serves as our escape route from the mansion.

She hesitates for a moment but acts on the trust she's placed in me. Together, we slip out into the night, the moon casting a silver glow on our path.

I've honed my sharp senses and ability to navigate the treacherous underworld of Rome. Tonight, it will be put to the test.

"Are you ready?" I ask Jasmine as I lead her to the closest edge of the compound. We can't risk going out through the checkpoints. It's too far away and god only knows what kind of trouble we might find along the way.

"Let's do this," she replies, so damn fearlessly she almost has me wondering what life has thrown in her path.

The boundary wall is a little too tall for Jasmine. I can see the uncertainty in her eyes as she sizes up the formidable obstacle before us. Without hesitation, I interlace my fingers with hers, offering her a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry," I assure her, my voice laced with a hint of desperation given our time constraint. "I've got you."

Without a second thought, I move closer to her, my body pressed against hers as I reach around and slip my hand beneath the curve of her ass.

The way her breath hitches at the unexpected touch sends a thrill coursing through me, but I quickly remind myself that now is not the time for such distractions.

With a gentle lift, I help her up, my fingers grazing the softness of her skin as her dress rides up. Her weight rests against my forearm as she finds her balance atop the wall.

For a moment, I marvel at the strength in her legs, the way they tense and flex beneath the fabric of her dress. It's a sight that stirs desires within me that I dare not act upon.

Once I'm certain she's got hold of the edge, I give her a final push and she hoists herself up. I follow with one quick pull on my arms and together, we jump across the boundary fence of the Marchetti Compound, leaving behind the unknown assailants.

My heart races as we land on the other side, finally free to explore the labyrinthine streets of Rome. Jasmine keeps pace with me, her breaths coming out in short gasps, yet she never falters.

The ancient city seems to watch us as we weave through its narrow alleys, guided only by instinct and my intimate knowledge of this place. Every sound, every flickering shadow, sets my nerves on edge, but I push forward. There's no turning back now.

"Perhaps," I mutter, now that we can speak freely. "The Ghost was right. The safe room. We never should have tried going in."

"Perhaps. What are we going to do now?" Jasmine asks, her voice barely audible over the pounding of our footsteps.

"I have an apartment," I reply. "No one knows about it. It's a new purchase, a safe house of sorts. We're heading there."

"You sure it's good for us to go there?" she asks, her eyes fluttering across the path we take. I can tell she's scared, and I don't blame her.

"It's our safest bet."

"We could," she whispers. "Go to mine."

"No," I say, fiercely. "What did I tell you just hours ago, Jasmine? Don't trust everyone you meet. Don't put your safety on the line. If we go to yours and we're being followed, it could prove to be dangerous."

"Wouldn't it be dangerous for you too?" she asks, defiantly.

I sigh and turn to her, stopping her in her tracks by placing my arms on her shoulders. She stops, shocked, and looks into my eyes. My breathing becomes rapid, as I realize just how close her lips are to mine, for the taking.

But, an owl screeches in the distance, forcing me to bring my thoughts back to the present. "Don't you get it? I'm from the mafia, Jasmine. I have weapons, backup, men who can do my bidding. You, if caught alone in your apartment..."

The thought is terrifying. What an enemy could do to her. The pain she could go through. I shake my head and say a few final words. "Never, ever let anyone from our world know where you live. Understand?"

She nods, her eyes wide with fear. "I understand, Dario," she whispers. I still don't let go, partly because I don't want to and partly because I need to make sure the gravity of my words have sunk in. "I said," she says, in a fiercer tone. "I understand."

I nod and take a step back.

We continue our walk. The shadows of the ancient city envelop us as we move through the winding streets, a silent witness to our desperate flight.