"Si, Dario," they reply in unison, saluting before rushing off to execute his orders.

"Once our people are in position, we'll breach the walls from the east side. That should give us the element of surprise," Dario says, his focus never wavering. "We need to be swift and efficient. We'll only have one shot at this."

“And it’s a shot your father doesn’t anticipate. As long as you stick to the plan, brother. The empire will be yours tonight,” Leonardo supports Dario from the shadow of the trees.

Although, so far, we’ve only known Leonardo as the ghost, I’ve come to realize that even with his identity revealed, Dario’s brother isn’t one to take up space. He fits into the little corners, quiet and very much wraith like.. He’s a man of a few words, and the few words he does use are never wasted, rising from some form of wisdom.

I am grateful we have him. Something about Leonardo sets my mind at peace. He’s that family member we can always trust to guide us. I've come to realize that Dario's brother is an asset we can rely on. Dario gives Leonardo a determined nod, and I can see the fire burning behind his eyes.

“You’re right brother,” Dario whispers. “There’s only one problem, a little situation whose outcome we can’t predict.”

“Frank,” Leonardo nods, slowly.

“Exactly. Frank. He too comes tonight to wage war on my father. Thing is, he believes me to be standing by my father’s side. I fear that if our troops are discovered, we’d be fighting two wars. One to capture The Don and the other, to defend against Frank.”

“Unless,” I add. “We convince Frank we’re on his side.”

“Nothing unites two enemies like a common enemy,” Leonardo adds.

“Very true,” Dario whispers. “Question is, will Frank give us enough time to listen?”

“That is not something you can control, brother,” Leonardo shakes his head. “You stick to your plan, and let destiny sort out the rest.”

The air hangs heavy with tension, a dark cloud about to unleash chaos. The estate grounds are eerily silent. My heart pounds in my chest as the calm before the storm settles around us.

"Everything's too quiet," I mutter, watching our team members assume their positions. Dario nods in agreement, his eyes never leaving the estate.

"Stay alert. We don't know when or where Frank will strike," he warns. The plan is for Dario's father's guards to be distracted by Frank's attack. Then we make our entry and kill two birds with one stone. We need to get Frank on our side, and then proceed with the coup."

As we wait among the shadows, I think about the internal strife tearing the Marchetti family apart. I wonder if Frank truly understands the depths of deception and betrayal, or if he simply sees things in black and white, unable to comprehend the depths of a ruined relationship between father and son. I can only pray that when the time comes, Frank is capable of taking an objective stance.

Suddenly, the silence shatters as gunfire erupts from multiple directions. Frank and his armed men have launched their assault, underestimating the turmoil within the Marchetti family and driven by their hunger for revenge.

"At last," Dario straightens his spine. "We need to adapt to the situation, whatever it might be. Now, we need to come face to face with Frank. Jasmine, Leonardo, you're with me. Gentlemen," he commands his army. "Do not injure, maim, hurt or kill Frank Bonanno. He is a foe who we aim to turn friend."

He takes a deep breath, looks at me, releases the air from his lungs and mouths "I love you.". Then, speaking louder, he gets up on his feet, his back still bent to hide from those on lookout and commands - "Let's go." Together, we sprint toward the east side of the estate, intent on breaching the walls and making our way inside.

As we weave through the battlefield, dodging bullets and debris, I find myself relying more and more on the instinctive communication between Dario and me. Our movements are synchronized, as if we've been fighting together for years. It's a dance, deadly and precise, that only strengthens our bond.

"Jasmine," Dario says between breaths as we continue our advance, "no matter what happens today, I want you to know that you're the love of my life and that if I could go back in time, I wouldn't change a thing."

His words catch me off guard, and for a quick second, tears well in my eyes but I force them away. "Save it for later," I cut him off, my throat hurting. "We have to focus on staying alive and stopping your father."

"Right," he agrees, his gaze locked on mine for a moment before returning to the battle at hand.

Just then, the ground trembles beneath me as the first explosion rips through the estate's outer walls. A plume of smoke and debris fills the air, blinding us momentarily. My heart races at the intensity and danger of the situation, but I push the fear aside, knowing Dario, Leonardo and I have to stay focused.

Gunfire erupts from all directions, a deadly symphony that threatens to drown out everything else.

"Jasmine, on your left!" Leonardo shouts, and I spin around just in time to see an enemy charging toward me. Drawing on my martial arts training, I sidestep his attack and disarm him with a swift kick, sending his weapon flying across the field. He crumples to the ground, unconscious but alive.

"Thanks," I whisper to Leonardo and he simply bows his head ever so slightly, before taking down a man.

As we continue our advance, it's clear our decision not to kill is making this fight more difficult. But Dario believes there's already enough bloodshed between forces and that there's no need to cause any more. I support him in this.

"We've got to get inside," Dario says, his eyes scanning the battlefield for an opening. "That's where my father will be."

"What about Frank?" Leonardo asks.