My heart races, the anticipation of what's to come consuming me. I can feel the weight of my comrades' loyalty and determination, matching the intensity of my own.

"Everyone knows their roles?" I ask, scanning the faces around the table. The nods of affirmation I receive are confident, but the tension remains coiled tightly within each of us.

"Remember, precision and timing are key," I continue, trying to project an air of calm assurance. "We need to be swift, silent, and deadly when we enter my father's compound. We catch him alive, and deliver justice once he has the chance to defend himself."

Suddenly, the door bursts open, causing everyone to jump in surprise. A trusted informant, Giuseppe, stumbles into the room, his face flushed and eyes wide with urgency.

"Boss! I got some news that couldn't wait. We have a problem – a big one." He gasps for breath, his chest heaving from the exertion of his hurried arrival.

"Out with it, Giuseppe!" I snap, adrenaline surging through my veins.

"Frank... he's making his move. And he's not alone. You need to see this." His shaking hand extends a phone towards me, displaying a video feed of Frank and his men preparing for what appears to be an attack.

"Damn it!" I slam my fist onto the table, the impact reverberating throughout the room. “Where is Frank heading for?”

"He's been spotted at the city's outskirts with a heavily armed convoy. They're heading straight for the Don's compound!" Giuseppe stammers, his eyes wide with terror.

My heart pounds in my chest, and I can feel sweat forming on my brow. This is far worse than we could have ever anticipated. Frank is attacking my father's compound tonight itself?

The same night we attack? It's like staring down a hurricane, knowing there's no way to avoid the storm.

"Giuseppe, are you certain of this?" I demand, needing to be sure before my mind races any further.

"Absolutely, boss," he swears, his voice trembling. "I saw them with my own eyes. Frank's men have set up a perimeter around the area. It's only a matter of time before they strike. They're upset at the war the don brought to their door after accusing them of an assassination attempt they didn't make."

"Alright, listen up!" I command, addressing my trusted allies. "We need to split our forces. Half of us will defend against Frank, while the other half will focus on Don. We cannot let Rome fall into the clutches of these vultures."

"Those bastards won't know what hit them," Cipher growls determinedly, cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

"Right," Enzo agrees. "We'll make them regret the day they crossed the Marchetti family. The true Marchetti - Dario Marchetti."

"Hear, hear," my men scream out in unison.

"May fortune favor us all," I whisper, humbled by their love.

Chapter 43

The Siege


As I gaze upon the formidable fortress that is the Marchetti estate, nestled on the outskirts of Rome, I am forced by the unfamiliarity of it all to marvel at its grandeur. The sprawling compound stands tall, surrounded by high walls and menacing watchtowers.

This is the place where Dario's father reigns with an iron fist; the very place where he murdered Dario's mother when he was just a child. The very place from where he orchestrates one of Europe's most evil underground child trafficking networks. Now, we stand here, ready to exact our revenge and bring him to justice.

Tonight, Dario's father doesn't even know that the throne he believes to be his might just be ripped out from beneath him by none other than his own son.

Under usual circumstances, a fate like that for a father to bear by the hands of a son is heartbreaking. But, knowing what I do about the current Don Marchetti, I pray that Dario succeeds.

"Jasmine, are you ready for this?" Dario's voice snaps me back to the present. His eyes dart from left to right, determining our entry strategy.

"More than ready," I reply, giving him a quick nod. We've come too far to back down now, and this is the right thing to do.

"Alright, let's coordinate our defense." Dario commands as we crouch behind a thick hedge near the estate's perimeter. "I want sharpshooters positioned in those trees and lookouts posted on the rooftop over there," he points out, his eyes scanning the area with precision.

"Got it," I nod, signaling to our team members to take their positions.

"Riccardo, take your team to the east wall," he instructs one of his lieutenants. "Make sure you have a clear line of sight on the main entrance. Giuseppe, you and your men cover the west. Ensure we have eyes on every possible entry point."