Agatha took a deep breath once she was on her feet. “Can I just have a second to get emotionally ready for this?”

“Of course, Agatha Christie Lovely. But you know the moment you walk back out there, we get to get married. For the first time,” he said, because he was ready to start this life with her. No matter what life brought their way, they were in it together.

“Okay, I know,” she said and took another breath. He knew this was out of her comfort zone. All of it. But he also knew she was ready. Their days of sabotaging themselves were over. They were destined to find each other again and again until they got it right.

Walking out of the kitchen, he stopped at the door and looked back at her. He loved looking at her and knowing she was his. She must have sensed it because she turned to him and smiled.

Turning around, he walked back and tucked her hair behind her ears and whispered the first thing that came to his mind. “Hey, Chris.”

Smiling at him, she replied, “Hey, Chris.”

Kissing her forehead, he added, “I love you.”

This was his past, present, and future all rolled up in one package. In a few minutes, she would be his wife. Then again tomorrow, she would be his wife again. And who knew what the day after would bring. Nothing but surprises and happiness lay ahead of them. Forever.