“You back with Luce, then?” Cliff asked him.

“I am, we are. Back to getting married.” He held up Lucy’s hand with his ring on it. Back where it belonged.

“Wait, what? When?” Sera hurried back into the room, carrying an armful of vending machine candy and chips.

“Soon, once we can start planning it again. I don’t know if we want to wait until the babies come or not.” He looked over at Lucy, who just shrugged in response.

“There will be no waiting. I’ll get started on planning everything. You two don’t worry about anything.”

“Sera, it can wait. I want to plan it,” Lucy argued.

“Harper will be on food, and we will have it at the cathedral.”

“No cathedral!” Lucy and Mabel said together and glared at their mom.

“But …”

“No cathedral. Just a little gathering of friends and family, and by that, I mean just family.”

“Lucy, how about we plan it for our backyard in a few weeks?” Leo said, hoping that by then, Lucy would be off bed rest, and the weather would be nice enough to have it outside.

“Backyard? It could work. I mean, it’s no cathedral, though,” Sera said and dropped her armload of snacks on Lucy’s lap, then gave Leo a hug.

“The outdoors is god’s cathedral,” Cliff informed Sera.

“Honey, I think cathedrals are actually god’s cathedral,” Mabel argued with him.

“What was there before cathedrals then?” Cliff asked her.

“They had something, I’m sure,” Mabel said, not letting her husband have the win.

“Fine, the backyard next weekend. I can do that,” Sera said, and he wondered if she had realized she pushed up the wedding date by weeks. Not that he was complaining; he should have married Lucy a month ago.

“Do what?” Harper walked back into the room, this time with Agatha. Suddenly, the room was getting crowded, but nobody seemed to notice.

Instantly, Harper walked over to her sister and gave her a hug, causing everyone in the room to stop talking and watch. Once she let go and walked away with a candy bar in her hand, she gave them all a questioning look.

Sera took the attention away from her by answering the question. “Saturday, Lucy and Leo are getting married.”

“You said next weekend,” Mabel said in confusion.

“Saturday is next weekend.” Sera shrugged and started to plan. Already she was digging out her wedding planner that she was still carrying around months after her own wedding. Instantly she opened it and started paging through it, smiling.

Turning to Lucy, Leo opened a bag of chips for her and asked, “Are you okay with this?”

“I have to be. Sera’s got it planned already.” She smiled and sat up a little to grab the chips.

“But do you want this?” He needed to know. She hadn’t actually said she wanted to marry him, and now he felt like everyone was pressuring her into it.

“Of course, I want this, Leo. I love you and want to be your wife, your real one.”

“There will never again be anything fake between us,” he promised before kissing her gently. Then he started to feed her chips. She would need her strength for her mother’s wedding planning.