“Because Kevin has a small dick but won’t admit it,” Harper stated like she was talking about the weather.

Leo looked at the man and then remembered Lucy telling him about a Kevin that Aubrey was dating. Could this be the same Kevin, this snively guy? Lucy was completely right about everything about the man.

“I said no such thing. Really, man, I do not need to see your dick.” He put up his hands and took a step back. “You know something? The last time I was with Luce was the night you told her to get a different job, Harper. Nice sister you are.”

“You know nothing about me or my family,” Harper insisted, raising her chin.

“I know that Lucy wanted to be a caterer, and that you told her she should get an office job because you didn’t need her anymore. Then you hired a chef within days because she wasn’t good enough for you anymore. You said you needed another chef, not a cook.”

“There’s no difference between the two,” Harper argued and took a step toward him. Leo could tell that the words bothered Harper. “They are one and the same at Lovely Catering.”

“They may do the same thing, but everyone knows who the chef was, and who wasn’t. You always treated her like she was hired help until you didn’t need her anymore. You only used her as long as she was useful, but when you could afford it, she wasn’t good enough for you.” Kevin smirked. He knew he was picking at a scab for Harper.

“I did not,” Harper insisted, but her bravado was suddenly gone.

“With cleaning, she could work around you and catering. How many times did she start working on something when you were still working in the office? How many times did she sleep for an hour or two before you would call for something? Then you told her to get a job that wouldn’t allow her to help you at all, a job she’d never liked. Then you stopped talking to her when she didn’t help you anymore,” the man said, sensing victory.

Leo looked at Harper. Had she not liked her job as his assistant? Had she just done it because she couldn’t do what she wanted to do?

“I did not,” she snapped, then added, “She needed better then cleaning. Better hours.”

“Except all she wanted to do was catering with you. Do you even know how many times she went to The Jay and kissed ass for you to get that call? For weeks and weeks, she did little shit that the dude barely cared about. Then you just dropped it as if it didn’t matter. And Lucy was the one who had made that happen.”

Harper’s mouth dropped open in surprise, it seemed she hadn’t known. Recovering from the shock she explained to him, even if she should save it for her sister, “We didn’t have time. It would have been like having a restaurant and not a catering business. If I wanted a restaurant, I would have opened one. I love the freedom of catering.”

“Did you ever tell her that?”

Harper sighed. “No.”

“Now don’t you feel stupid?” the man asked, a smirk on his lips.

“Not when you’re around,” she shot back at him.

He narrowed his eyes at her. “Hey!”

“How many kids do you have, Kevin?” Harper asked, all curious.

“Eight, I think. I don’t really keep track.” He shrugged and grinned as if he was more of a man by having so many kids. “Why?”

“Because I am going to do two things: make you never forget what you did to my sister and every girl you cheated on, and stop you from having any more kids,” Harper boldly stated as she walked up to the man.

“And how are you going to do that?” he smirked, not sensing he might be in danger.

“Like this.” Harper grabbed his shoulders and slammed her knee into his nuts so hard the guy’s eyes rolled back in his head. Then she did it again, and then once more before he fell to the ground, grabbing himself and moaning.

“My sister is the best thing that ever happened to you, and you blew it, dickhead. Now I would appreciate if you never talked to her again. And every time I hear your name, I will find you and do that again, every time!” Harper turned and stalked back toward Leo, dusting off her jeans as she came.

“I hope I’m not next,” Leo said while looking at the man who had wet himself and was now surrounded by nurses who were trying to question what had happened. Harper only shrugged.

“Let’s see how you handle the next few hours. If you fail, you’ll know it,” Harper replied ominously as she watched three people help the man to his feet. He could barely remain upright.

“Why do you think I won’t fail?” he asked, wondering if Harper would do that same thing to him but was sure she would.

Harper gave him a sideways look. “Because you love her.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because everyone loves Lucy. You have since I first met you. You can’t not. Look at Kevin.” She grinned, watching a nurse lead him away.