Chapter Thirty-Two

There wasno way Lucy could control her pent-up energy today. This was her second appointment after her disastrous first appointment. Would everyone still be pissed at her? Of course, if they looked at her chart they would. Falling off a stage does not make doctors and nurses happy.

“Just pace,” Harper said from beside her. Her sister, it seemed, was already sick of her leg bouncing.

“No, it just gets people nervous,” she whispered. Her first appointment had probably sent four women into labor with her constant pacing.

Harper rolled her eyes and let Lucy’s legs bounce beside her. “Thanks for letting me come with you.”

“You followed me here,” Lucy stated, tapping her fingers on her black leggings, the only pants she could wear now.

“I was driving this way anyway. I thought you might want some company.”

“You stalked me.”

“Personal interest in your private life, it’s different.”

Rolling her eyes, she rested her arms on her now protruding stomach. In the month since she had left Leo, her pregnancy could not be denied anymore. So far, she had narrowed her list of potential parents down to three couples, none of which were perfect. And she hadn’t talked to her sisters about it, because they didn’t understand.

She had just been putting the decision off, not wanting to think of a time when she would lose them. They were a part of her now, so she ignored the fact that soon they would be gone.

“Mom wanted someone here with you this time.”

“I can do it on my own. I did last time,” Lucy argued. She was hoping everyone wasn’t angry this time.

“I know, but you don’t have to do it alone. We are there for you, Luce. No matter what.” Harper gave her a side hug that made some of the tension in Lucy’s body go away.

“I know.” She didn’t want to talk about it.

What she wanted to do and what she needed to do were two different things. The babies needed to be away from her for their safety, no matter how much she wanted them close. Lately she had started to worry more about Emma and Violet and the other new babies coming.

Last week she had decided that once the babies were gone, she would move far away from her sisters and anyone she loved. There was no telling how she could harm them. How she was going to do it financially, she didn’t know, but she was going. She had to keep everyone she loved safe from her. She loved them too much not to.

“OMG!” Harper whispered under her breath, barely.

Looking around the room, she immediately zeroed in on who her sister was looking at. Her ex-boyfriend Kevin had just sauntered into the room with a very pregnant woman, a woman who Lucy definitely knew well.

“Lucy Lovely!” Pam Andrews rushed up to her and engulfed her in her arms, as if they were long-lost friends.

“Hey, Pam,” Harper answered for her and pushed the woman away from Lucy, giving Lucy room to breathe. Deep breaths.

The last time she had seen Pam was when she was still dating Kevin, and they were caught making out in the Grog. Kevin swore up and down that nothing happened, that it was all in Lucy’s head, but what happened in her head never created a baby.

“How far along are you?” Pam ignored Lucy’s silence.

“Not very,” Lucy mumbled, not wanting anyone who knew Kevin to know the actual date. “And you?”

“Eight months.” She ran a hand over her exposed stomach. Her shirt was short enough that it didn’t cover the bump anymore. Not even close.

“And who’s the daddy?” Harper asked, because Harper would.

“Kev. Can you even believe it? We are so blessed.”

“Blessed it is.” Harper threw her arm around Lucy. “Lucy and her boss are having a baby also. Five months, is it? Or is it six?” Harper looked at her.

Lucy glared at her sister for telling Kevin anything. Not actually saying, she answered, “Yes.”

“Thank god. For a second, I thought it was mine.” Kevin wiped imaginary sweat off his forehead. “Three babies this year would be too many.”