“I love that Leo is having another baby—he’s a baby guy. I know he doesn’t seem like it. He took to Aubrey like I didn’t even think he would. By the time she was six months, I was sure I was in love with him,” Kelly admitted.

“But you weren’t?”

“We’re divorced. I didn’t marry the Leo you are marrying. I married the one in the band, even if the band was gone by then. By the time I was pregnant with Lexie, I knew I had made a mistake. He did too.” She leaned back in the couch.

“I’m sorry.” Lucy didn’t know what to say about it. She was marrying that same man soon.

“Don’t be. I found Bruce, and he’s the one for me. I’m glad Leo is the one for you.”

“He is.” Lucy let her feelings out, even if she was supposed to be keeping them in. For this woman, she wanted her to know that she was falling for Leo.

“I told him to spend more time with his new kid. I hope he does.”

“I hope so too,” she said, but she didn’t think he would. They weren’t his babies after all, no real reason for him to care.

“I also told him not to fuck around; you don’t deserve that,” Kelly stated bluntly.

“Thank you, I guess. I hope he doesn’t cheat,” she mumbled in reply, but knew he probably had already. It had been over a week since they got engaged, and she had been on bed rest almost the entire time. Even if he had been with her every evening, he was gone during the day.

“I can talk to him if you need me to, about anything. I mean, we are friends now, nothing else,” Kelly said as the door opened in the entry, and they could hear voices.

Both women looked at each other and got up to see who it was. It was Emma and Alexis, chatting about a movie they both had watched.

“Hey, Lucy, are you okay today?” Emma asked, turning from her new friend.

“Yes, do you know Alexis?”

“We’re in last period science together and figured out we were going to the same place. So, I gave her a ride.” Emma shook her keys in the air.

“I didn’t realize you two were related,” Alexis said.

“All her life.” Lucy pointed at her sister. Oddly, it was almost the exact length of time Sera had been in the family.

“Mom, can I stay here? Emma has a movie I want to see. We will do our homework,” Alexis asked her mom.

“Up to Lucy. She’s the one who needs watching.” Kelly pointed to her.

“I’m fine with it. You two go have fun,” Lucy said and watched them head up the stairs to Alexis’s room, leaving her alone with Kelly again.

“I guess it was a wasted trip, but I got to meet you, so maybe not,” Kelly said as she headed for the door.

“Nice to finally meet you also, Kelly.” Not leaving the doorway of the living room Lucy watched as Leo’s first ex-wife let herself out.

In the time that Lucy had worked in Leo’s office she had realized that his relationship with his two ex-wives was completely different. With Kelly, they got along and were friends, but that was so different from his second marriage. She wondered how long it took them to get to that place? And if or when she and Leo divorced would they be friends also? After all they both knew how the marriage was going to end, and when.

Lucy pushed those depressing thoughts out of her head as she headed back to the couch. She turned on her book again and tried to focus on it instead of her future marriage. Now that Emma was busy, she had more time to get through it, more alone time. More time to learn about the gross things that would happen to her body.