“No, just something small, like a courthouse or in the yard. Anything so that her mom could see her get married…. She probably won’t again.” Her fingers stopped moving and curled in tight fists on the table.

“I can do a small wedding for her mom. Very okay with that. Anything else?” he asked.

“Would she work or be home at this point, since your kids are at their moms’ and school, there isn’t much to do at home? What about after the babies are born?” she asked. So far, she had written nothing down, but he knew she would remember all of it and be able to tell the woman everything.

“I would say it’s up to her. If she wants to work, she can, or she can quit or wait until the babies come. I’m flexible,” he replied. This was going way better than he had ever thought. Lucy was a very good negotiator.

“Thank you for answering everything. That was all I had.” She frowned and wrinkled her brow as she stared at her hand, which were tapping again. It was almost as if they were not a part of her body by the way she was analyzing them.

“Do I get to find out who it is tonight, or do you have to talk to her again? Have you talked to her?” He found himself unable to stop grinning and almost grabbed her hands in excitement. Even if he didn’t know yet who she had found, she had found someone.

“I don’t have to talk to her. I already know that she will do it if you’re willing,” she said as her hands slipped off the table.

“Do I get to know?” Leo tried not to chuckle. She was so fucking nervous it was almost cute.

“It’s me,” she said quietly, almost too quietly.

He stopped cold. He must have misheard her. “You’re married.”

She shook her head. “No, I’m not,” she stated firmly, her secretary voice in action.

“But Mr. Lovely picks you up almost every day,” he pointed out, hoping this was not a joke, because he suddenly wanted to be married to Lucy.

Lucy seemed confused. “Harrison? He’s married to Sera, who lives down the street from me. We ride together.” She shook her head.

Leo leaned forward. “Cliff? Who is Cliff?” he asked, needing to know everything.

“My friend, but he’s now married to my sister.” She shrugged as if he didn’t mean anything to her.

“Your maiden name is Montgomery.” He leaned back. She couldn’t explain this one away.

Lucy’s brow shot up. “My middle name has always been Montgomery. I was named after Lucy Maud Montgomery. She’s an author of children’s books.” He had no idea who she was talking about.

“Why do you want to marry me?” he asked in disbelief.

Her hands were on her lap under the table, but he knew they were moving. “I am pregnant with twins and have no idea how to make that work on my own. I need help, and the father is nothing. In two years, the babies will have been born, we will divorce, and I will have some money saved up to take care of them. I don’t need child support; I’ll be fine. I’m just struggling right now. Once I am past that, I’ll be fine.”

“And we have to fool your family into thinking we’re in love? Do they know about the babies?” he asked.

“Not yet, but nobody will care that they’re not yours. They will care, however, that I married someone not for love,” she said, looking back up at him.

“How are you going to explain us to them? That we fell in love at the office?” He didn’t think that sounded too bad. That sort of thing happened all the time.

“I was thinking that I would say something happened when I brought your kids home both times. That we suddenly clicked. That we went from nothing to ‘can’t keep our hands off each other.’ They’ll get that.”

“What if I really can’t keep my hands off of you?” He was sure he wasn’t going to make it two years with her in his house, pregnant or not.

Her face turned crimson at his words. “I-I don’t know. I can’t say it will or will not happen, just that it’s a possibility.”

“I have two questions for you then.” He grinned at her, but clearly, she was still not sure about the entire thing.

“Okay.” She tapped her fingers.

“How soon can we get this done, and do you want the finder’s fee in cash or in your bank account?” He reached out and stopped her hand from tapping on the table.

“I … I’m ready whenever you are. Just send the money to the bank,” she replied, waiting for him to laugh at her.

“I think next week, midweek, or will that not work for you?”