
Lucy looked around the kitchen,loving that they were prepping at the Lovely house again. It was just like old times: over half the sisters helping, and the rest were around, only not actually helping. Emma and Mabel were in the middle of a movie that they couldn’t stop watching, or so they said.

“Do you have those done?” Harper shot at her.

She had been working on making an appetizer for an hour. The dish was easy to make but allowed her to sit as she made it. So she had chosen to make them.

“Yes, just need to get them in the fridge,” Lucy informed her with a smile.

“There’s no room. Put them in the cooler in the van.” Harper waved her off, though the “van” was her Land Rover. They were not going to tell Kaine about it, but Lucy was sure he knew.

“Can someone else?” she asked, rubbing her back that was killing her.

The twins hadn’t given her much trouble over the last few months, until now. And maybe last week, when she had Leo take her to the hospital in error. So, she wasn’t complaining today in hopes of not repeating that again.

“Just do it, Lucy,” Harper stated, her concentration on moving the stuffed pork chops from the pan to the warmer.

“I’m pregnant, Harps,” she reminded the woman.

“And who’s fault was that? Not mine. I wasn’t there.” Harper didn’t even turn away from her task as she spoke.

“Really, Harper? You are the only one in this room who’s not pregnant,” Buzz stated from her spot at the table. She wasn’t actually helping either, just entertaining. Or so she said.

“Fine, but if I ever get knocked up, you will all be helping for the entire eight months I am carrying that kid.” Harper pointed at Sera, Buzz, and Lucy.

“It’s nine months,” Sera said from her place cutting up celery sticks.

“Not when I have a kid. Seven or eight months tops. I don’t have time for nine months. I’m the only one who works around here, you know.” She stomped over to Lucy and grabbed the container from her.

Once she was close enough to grab the container, Lucy had a feeling she would never forget for the rest of her life. It was the feeling of warm water running down her legs, a lot of water. Looking down, she saw there was a nice-sized puddle, and Harper’s canvas-clad foot was in the middle of it.

“Did you just pee on me?” Harper’s brown eyes glared at her. “Tell me you peed on me!”

Lucy tried not to laugh at Harper’s expression. “No, I didn’t.”

“Lucy, your water broke!” Sera yelled and jumped up from the counter.

“Baby marinade? You got baby marinade all over me?!” Harper yelled at the celling.

Emma, Mabel, and even Agatha rushed into the room faster than Lucy thought possible. Sera directed Emma to take the container to the Land Rover and rushed over to take Lucy’s arm.

“Are you in pain?” she asked as she sat her down at the table.

“No, and I thought I would be.” Lucy rubbed her stomach as her lower half started to feel cold.

“It’s coming,” Agatha stated as if she knew, earning her glares from Sera and Lucy.

Harper was in the same spot she had been in a moment before, trying to get her shoe off without touching it. It was taking more effort than it should have and was spreading the wetness into a bigger puddle.

“Agatha, shush. So, we have to get you to the hospital,” Sera said.

“No way! She’s helping me today. I need her! She can have the babies tomorrow. We have nothing planned tomorrow,” Harper whined as she finally got her shoes off and left them laying in the puddle. She started peeling off a sock with her fingertips.

“It doesn’t work that way,” Sera informed her, rolling her eyes.

“She knows where she’s needed, Sera, here. Lucy, change pants and start with the potatoes.” Harper tossed the second sock in the puddle and waved at the area by the stove.

“She’s off the clock,” Maby announced and started helping Lucy to her feet.