“So specific, yet nothing about here … Macy will be disappointed.” She pushed aside all his papers as she hopped onto the desk, causing her skirt to ride up her bare legs.

Leo ran his hands up her legs as he looked at them. “Let her be.”

Pouting, she pulled him close on his rolling office chair. Leaning down, she licked his ear before whispering, “Do you remember calling me Macy for the first two weeks I worked for you?”


“You did, every single day.” She unbuttoned her shirt slowly, then pulled it from the waist of her skirt.

“What are you doing, Lucy?” he asked in a shaky voice, but his hands kept moving up until they cupped her bare breasts.

“Making Macy’s prediction come true.” She pulled his tie free and tossed it on the floor.

“Bed rest, Lucy,” he hissed, but suddenly, his hands were pushing hers away as he ripped open his own shirt and stood up.

Licking her lips, she said huskily, “It’s over.”

Leo put his hands on either side of her, then braced himself as he looked into her eyes. Just as she was starting to think she’d made a mistake, his lips crashed into hers. Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed him back with the same fervor as she always did.

She loved how much he couldn’t control himself with her but then always managed to stop before they went too far. Because after five days of marriage and three days of engagement, they had yet to have sex. Bed rest was Lucy’s enemy until today. Today, she was free.

Never in a million years would she have thought she was going to marry a man she had never had sex with. Their entire relationship had gone completely different than any of her others, which might’ve been why it was going to work out. For once, the entire relationship wasn’t about sex; it was about everything else, and sex was an added bonus.

A bonus she wanted right now. She didn’t want to wait until they got home, until the kids were in bed, or until she was exhausted and only wanted to sleep. She wanted it now.

Leo’s hands were on her breasts, quickly followed by his mouth. His tongue made her moan and squirm. As he licked and sucked his way to her other breast, he slid her skirt even farther up her legs, his fingers brushing her wet folds. His groan told her he appreciated that she wasn’t wearing panties.

“You are gorgeous, Lucy,” he whispered as his fingers brushed her clit, causing her hips to buck.

He pushed her flat on her back and sat down heavy in his chair. Before she could question what he was doing, he wrapped his arms around her legs and pulled her to the edge of the desk. His mouth replaced his fingers, bringing a low growl from her as his talented tongue did things to her that made her jerk and writhe on the desk.

When his finger slipped into her heat, she tried to stop it, but within moments, waves of pleasure were coursing through her body. Screaming his name as she came, she completely forgot that they were in his office. Or didn’t care.

“Leo, Leo, I need …” She didn’t even get the words out before his cock slid into her. Exactly what she wanted.

Before she could wrap her legs around him, he pressed them against his chest. He gripped her hips while sliding in and out in a slow, steady thrust, each one causing a ripple of pleasure to course through her when he was fulling sheathed inside of her.

Trying and failing to grip his desk to give herself leverage, she looked into his face. Instantly, she knew he was holding back, that he wanted to be gentle with her. Whether it was because it was the first time or because she was pregnant, she didn’t know, nor did she care. She didn’t want him to hold back.

“Hard, Leo, hard,” she said and watched him let go.

Suddenly, she couldn’t tell anymore where she ended, and he began or who was moaning and who was screaming. All she knew was that she was coming, and it wasn’t stopping. Her hips jerked and twisted, and Leo swore loudly as his entire body stiffened and held her still as his cock pulsed deep inside her body, causing her to jerk again.

When both of their bodies calmed down, Leo sat her up slowly. Then he kissed her as he sat down in his chair, pulling her with him. Nestling on his lap, she nuzzled into his shoulder, kissing it lightly as she did.

Leo ran his fingers up and down her bare spine. “You are Macy, aren’t you?”

“I am.” She kissed his shoulder and the tattoo that started there.

Pulling her tighter to him, he asked in confusion. “You planned this?”


“Why? We have a house and a bed. Or a hotel and a bed.” It seemed he needed a bed.

She nipped his shoulder and laughed as she leaned back and looked him in the eyes. “And you never once thought about having sex on this desk? Not even once?”

“Maybe once.” He grinned and pushed the hair off her face, hair she was sure looked like sex hair.