He smiled at her. “I will teach you under one condition.”

She looked at him nervously. “What?”

“That you marry me.” He pulled her ring from his pants pocket and adjusted her hands until he could slip it on her finger.

Staring at it in disbelief, she answered truthfully, “Leo, I can’t. I can’t marry you for your kids anymore. I just can’t.”

“I am not asking you for my kids, Lucy. In fact, I haven’t needed to marry you for my kids since not long after you got out of the hospital from your fall. Stacy isn’t moving any more, she was probably never going to in the first place. It was just another way to get more money. Since then, I have wanted to marry you for you. I love you, Lucy, everything about you. And you are completely different than the woman who agreed to marry me a month ago. I don’t want her, I want you.”

“But …” She started to protest. She was the same person, after all.

“To tell you the truth, I only hired you so I could sleep with you.” He bit his lip at the admission.

“What?” He never once made any advances toward her, not once.

“I wanted you, and I didn’t care how bad that looked. But within days I found out you were married and not interested in me at all. So instead, I settled for a great personal assistant.” He pushed her hair away from her face, his fingers brushing her cheek.

“But I’m not,” she admitted. She wasn’t very good at her job.

“I haven’t been able to find anyone else that comes close to the great job you did. I’ve had Aubrey working for me when she’s not in school. She hates it,” he told her, surprising her that he hadn’t hired someone right away when she’d quit.

“I’m not surprised. Why didn’t you think I was interested in you?”

“Because you never once let on that you were. You were nothing but professional around me,” he said simply.

“I really thought you were good-looking,” she admitted, though she hadn’t really even let herself look until he asked about a wife. She hadn’t been interested in a businessman.

“But?” He smiled, waiting.

“But you were not my type,” she said, it was the truth, after all. “Though you are. You’re the rebel without a cause that I like. You just don’t let him out much.”

“We were both hiding who we really were and almost missed each other. When I asked you to find someone for me to marry, I asked you because I wanted someone just like you. But you were married, so I figured you would know a lot of women like you.”

She looked at him shyly. “I don’t. I only ever had me on the list. I was never able to come up with another name.”

“I told you that I only needed one, and yours is the perfect one. The one I wanted.” He leaned down and kissed her on the lips.

“You don’t want to marry me,” she said again, just needing him to say that he wanted her, that he loved her.

“Lucy, I want to marry you even more now than I did in that conference room, which is hard to believe because it was the only thing I wanted that day. That and to get you naked.” He smiled.

“But you said you were willing to not have sex with me,” she reminded him.

“I was going to break that promise. But neither of us would’ve regretted it.” He kissed her again.

She felt herself blush at his words. He was right, she wasn’t going to regret sleeping with him.