“Morning, Leo. I am on the first shift of the day, but your door is locked. I didn’t pick it, but just know that I can.”

“I bet you can,” he replied while going to it and unlocking it.

“Mom taught us the survival skills we would need, and picking locks is one of them.” She carried a box of plastic containers into the house.

“I’ll remember that.” He chuckled. “Lucy is awake, but she’s going to take a shower and change before coming down.”

“Bedroom upstairs?” Mabel looked up the steps.


She headed that way. “I have seen her naked before. Looks just like this.” She waved her hands over her body. “Give or take a few tattoos.”

Watching her walk up the stairs, he wondered which one had the tattoos, then realized he had something to look forward to that night. Or not, because he was keeping his hands off of Lucy. But in a week, he would look for her tattoos. All night long.

He was still thinking about those tattoos three hours later when Kalvin called. He hadn’t talked to his lawyer since the day the man had told him to get married, a crazy idea that had turned into Lucy being his fiancée. And soon, she would be his wife.

“Kalvin,” he answered with a smile.

“Leo, you sound happy.” Kalvin had been his lawyer too long for him not to know his moods.

“I am. My life is going pretty good lately. What can I help you with?”

“Well, actually, nothing. Just calling to tell you that Stacy has chosen to stay in the city and will not be moving away.”

Leo laughed. His plan had worked even better than expected. He wasn’t even married, and she was scared she was going to lose her petition, which he was sure was correct. His home was more stable than hers with Lucy in it. Stacy wasn’t married or even dating anyone long-term.

“You don’t sound surprised.”

“I’m not. It seems my engagement has had the correct effect on her.”


“Yep, I got engaged last week.”

“You know I was kidding about that, right?” Kalvin demanded, concern in his voice.

“You weren’t, but I found someone anyway,” Leo stated.

“How did you find someone who would marry you to raise your kids and not care about your cheating? In a week?” Kalvin asked skeptically.

“It was easier than I ever thought, but I will not be cheating on her.” He knew he wouldn’t be able to cheat on Lucy. Lucy didn’t deserve it, and he wasn’t interested in anyone but her, even if they hadn’t even had sex yet.

“Congratulations, I guess. I hope we don’t have to spend too much on your next divorce.” Kalvin laughed at his joke.

“I think this one is it, Kalvin. Your gravy train with me is coming to an end,” Leo said, hoping that Stacy would stop pushing for more of everything, and his days in court would stop.

“I’ll believe it when I see it. You fall into lust, Leo, not love. Call if you need anything.” Kalvin hung up, and Leo wondered if his lawyer was right. Was he falling in lust and not falling in love? Because this felt different than anything he had ever felt before. It should’ve scared him, but instead, he was looking forward to the future with her. Her and their family together.