“You found it in my room!” Lucy accused.

“I can’t remember where it was. I might have found a fun ‘Yellin Stan’ T-shirt also.” Bea dropped the suitcase on the empty chair.

“Mine too.” Lucy spun her new toy in her fingers. Already forgetting she wasn’t going to admit to him that she didn’t know what it was.

“It was Harper’s! She has had that one for years,” Bea said, pulling off the sweatshirt to reveal another interesting red one that said “Cancan” on it. “You can have your boring ‘O hi’ shirt. How are you doing?”

“Fine.” Lucy looked at her sister in the shirt, still spinning her toy. This wasn’t the first time she had held one either.

“You always have to one-up me, don’t you, Lucy? Graduate first, have a baby first … Fuck, why not have two?!” Then she broke down and laughed and rushed to hug her big sister in the bed.

“It’s been hard staying ahead of you, Buzz,” Lucy whispered to her sister.

“Damn skippy. Now you’re trapped in bed, so we’re going to talk.” Buzz pulled the other chair to the bed by Lucy’s head while Leo remained sitting by her on the bed.

“About what?” Lucy laid back down and shut her eyes but sent the spinner going as she did it.

“Are you and Mom going to race to see who can have the most kids? You will have six, and she will have eight, so it’s not a stretch for you to have two more. You seem to birth litters.”

Lucy opened one eye. “Litters?”

“Two or three at a time is a litter.” The redhead put her feet on the bed.

“It’s just two, a pair.” Lucy grinned at her sister.

“Pair, then, but once they are running free, it will be like a litter. I ordered just one.” Bea tapped her sister with her toe.

“Jonas wanted two. I think he’s disappointed,” Lucy said.

“Jonas has never been disappointed in me.” The redhead winked at him. “Meaning sexually.”

Lucy covered her face with her hands. “Not listening. He’s my favorite uncle!”

“Yes, you are, and if Kaine’s wife wasn’t a shrew, you would like him better. My favorite is Bex; she can always make me laugh.” Bea wrinkled her nose at her sister.

“I like Bex also.”

“How is Kaine an uncle?” Leo asked, because it didn’t make sense to him.

“Kaine is Mom’s brother. Twin brother,” Lucy told him.

“He was already fucking Harper when they met back up. And I mean fucking,” Bea stated with a hand motion that Leo had never seen before.

“And what’s the difference between fucking and fucking?” he asked the redhead.

“I thought you were close to forty, man. I can’t explain these things to people who should know,” Bea answered with a straight face.

“I will explain it later.” Lucy patted his hand. He was excited for that conversation to happen; maybe they could do it tonight.

“Thank god. I had to explain it to Jonas, then demonstrate,” Bea said, again with a straight face, but Lucy broke down in giggles.

“I’m hoping for some demonstration myself.” Leo smirked at his fiancée, whose face was beet-red now. “Who’s Uncle Bex?”

“Do not call her that! She will hate you. You remember Bex Carter? We talked at lunch last week. She’s married to Mom’s younger sister. The family had been estranged for years, but recently gotten to know each other again,” Lucy said, still a bit red in the face.

Leo remembered running into the woman and the strange conversation the two had. Now it made sense that they were somewhat related but still virtual strangers.

Before the sisters could get into another fun conversation, the doctor came in, and Bea said she was leaving. But the visit had taken Lucy’s mind off other things and made her laugh, which was exactly what she’d needed. It seemed that no matter which sister it was, she got along and laughed. Except for maybe one.

Soon she was dressed in her clothes from the night before, and they were heading to his place. Carefully, he helped her to the couch in the living room and then he took her luggage up to their room because she was sleeping with him, marriage or not.