“He was a little mean in the beginning.” Lucy tried not to grin. Sera still thought Leo was the dad.

“Don’t want to hear about it!” Sera put her hands over her ears and hummed.

“Don’t ask then.” Lucy giggled.

Sera touched Lucy’s stomach again. “Only five?”

Lucy looked at her mom, the only one she ever remembered having. Never had she judged her, and this was no different, even if Lucy was judging herself pretty harshly.

“I only seem big because there are two in there,” Lucy admitted.

Sera’s eyes snapped to hers. “Twins?”

“Identical, boys.” She touched her own belly.

“Boys? We don’t have boys!” Sera giggled.

“Most of us haven’t had any babies before, so we don’t really all have girls, either,” Lucy argued.

“Haha, now we only have four months to get ready for these two. Luke and Maynard.” Sera tapped her belly again and then pulled the covers over it.

“No way. And they will most likely come early, so less than four months,” Lucy admitted.

“I’ll tell your sisters that you won the ‘hide your pregnancy’ contest, so they all know not to compete. No more secret babies in this family.” Sera typed into her phone as she spoke. “Do you want me to stay with you?”

“No, Leo’s here.” Lucy hoped that was true. She hadn’t seen him a few minutes and wondered if he had taken the opportunity to leave … she would have.

“Okay. But call if you need anything.” Sera hugged her tight.

“I will.” Lucy hugged her back as Leo slipped into the room.

Sera let her go and hugged Leo. “And you, too. Call if anything happens. Maybe I should stay.”

“No, you go,” Lucy stated from her bed.

“Okay but call me in the morning.” Sera looked at Leo as she said it.

“We will,” Leo assured her with a gentle smile.

Sera was wiping tears away as she finally left. Leo turned to Lucy and softly asked, “How are you? She must not be too mad at you.”

“She was great, although nothing I have ever done was this bad. She didn’t even blink when I said I was five months along. But she got excited about the twins.” Lucy smiled at the memory.

“Twins are pretty exciting, Lucy.” Leo sat down where her mom had just been, and rested a hand on her leg.

“You would think so, but when you’re single and alone, it’s quite scary to hear the word twins. And let me tell you, I have heard that word every day of my life.” She ran a hand over the two little buggers.

He captured her hand on her stomach and said, “I don’t want you to be scared about it anymore. They are as much mine as yours now.”

“Luke and Maynard?” She quirked an eyebrow in question.

“As long as we are not actually naming them that, yes.” He laughed at her.

“Mom named them that,” she admitted.

“I still say no. But no A names either.” He surprised her.

“But yours girls have A names.”

“Six is going to be too many A’s. We are going to have six kids.” He squeezed her hand over the two that weren’t even there yet.

“If Aubrey tries, she could have a kid before Mom and Harrison have another one, making her great-grandchild younger than her baby.” Lucy laughed. That would be hard to explain to the twins. And maybe, just maybe she would have to.

“You are so funny. Aubrey is not having kids anytime soon.” He scowled at her for even mentioning his kid and getting pregnant. Grabbing the bag, he took out his gift shop finds. “I don’t know what you read, but I got you a mystery, a romance, and a thriller.”

Picking them up, she looked at the pictures and ignored the words that were jumbled on the top and bottom of the books. Setting them down, she told him the truth, “I am not really a reader for fun.”

He took them and put them aside so they were not far from her, but she knew she wouldn’t touch them again. They might as well be in another language, because they were not in a language she could read.