Chapter Twenty-One

Sittingin a hospital bed had not been how she thought she would start the day of her wedding, but it was 12:23 a.m., and she was there for the night. The not-so-happy doctor had informed her she would be on bed rest for a week after her stunt.

At this point, the babies were staying where they were supposed to be, but she was on an IV and hooked up to a few monitors to make sure that continued.

One minute she had been singing and dancing, and the next she was falling off the stage. Hitting the ground had hurt, but it had scared her more than anything. The thought that she could lose the boys at any moment had her shaking and crying.

They had left everyone at the Grog, but she was pretty sure they were now all at the hospital and waiting. By now, they’d know she was on the maternity floor and why. Her secret was out.

Leo had gone to find her mom so that she could explain in person, though she didn’t know how far she was going to go with the explanation. Was she going to lie or tell her she was marrying Leo to give her sons a father? Sons, she had seen them again, this time with Leo. Leo had held her hand and squeezed it when the nurse had called him dad.

The door opened, and Sera pushed into her room. Stopping as the door closed behind her, Sera said, “Lucy, you have a lot of explaining to do.”

“You’re supposed to have a Cuban accent, Mom,” Lucy corrected her.

“Don’t ‘Mom’ me! Leo told me nothing. But fuck, kid, you are on the maternity floor!” Sera came further into the room.

“I think I’m pregnant.” She tried to keep a straight face.

“Think?” Sera threw up her arms. “No wonder Leo flipped out when Harper took you down on Saturday. He knew!”

“Yes, he knew. And I think Harper is in more trouble with him now.”

“How is the baby?” Sera sat on the bed.

“Good, staying put. They have me on some meds to make sure.” Lucy pointed at the stuff near her bed, stuff she would never understand.

“I don’t think you’ll be getting married tomorrow,” Sera stated flatly.

“No, I’m on bed rest for a week. Then we’ll see where we’re at or if I need to stay for longer.” Lucy explained what she had been told earlier by the doctor.

“Bed rest is going to kill you, honey.” Stating the obvious on a sigh, Sera took Lucy’s hand in both of hers, giving it a squeeze.

“I know. Leo said I have to be at his place, and Harper isn’t allowed in the house. He had already warned her once,” Lucy said, looking at the ring she still was wearing, her hand still nestled in Sera’s.

“I’ll talk to her and tell her you are not to be pushed ever. I’ll send Agatha and Maby over during the day so that you’re not alone. It won’t be as bad as you think.” Sera tried to reassure her that she wouldn’t die of boredom during the week.

“Yes, I will.” Lucy rolled her head on the pillow.

“You are so cute. I have to text everyone that you’re alive and so is the baby. I made them all go home, even Cliff and Maby, but they wanted to stay. So, what do you want me to tell them about the baby?” Sera pulled out her phone.

Lucy looked at the ceiling. “I don’t know.”

“Can we name it yet? Louis? Linus? Leo Jr? Lucy Jr.? Lucinda? Lulu?” Sera giggled.

“All Leo’s other kids have names that start with A’s,” Lucy said.

“I like L’s better,” Sera stated and tapped her stomach for the first time. Then tapped it again with a little more focus.

Pulling back her blankets, Sera looked at Lucy, then her stomach again. Then she rubbed it and her own at the same time. “You’re further along than I am.”

“I am,” Lucy admitted, watching her assess the pregnancy.

“By a lot!” Sera stated loudly, eyes widening.

“I’m right around five months.” She bit her lip and waited.

“So, he wasn’t mean to you at all!” Sera demanded.