“Nineteen, sixteen, ten, and eight.”

“They’re my kids’ ages. Well, my biological kids; they are fifteen and eight,” she said.

“Everything is overlapping, Mom. My step-kids will be older than your kids. When I am married they will be your grandkids,” Lucy replied.

Sera laughed, and Leo wondered if she knew her daughter would have babies before she did. “Let it happen, Lucy. I’ll set up for us to go shopping tomorrow. My favorite shop will open for us—I’ve spent some good money there over the last few months. Fuck, you’re my fourth daughter to get married in under six months, not including me! I’ll start planning.”

With a kiss on her daughter’s head and punch in his arm, she left the room, pulling her phone from her pocket.

“Most of those women are married?” he asked when they were alone.

“Yes, just Agatha is single.” She felt her stomach for the first time now that they were alone.

He went back to her. “Are you hurting? The babies?”

“No, they seem to be fine.” She kept touching them, her brows furrowed.

“Tell me if anything feels wrong.” He sat down next to her and pulled her to him. “I do not want to see your sister do that again. Once the babies are born, do what you want, but until then, it has to stop.”

“I’ve been avoiding it. Mabel is easy and lets me win all the time.” He felt her shrug.

They stayed in her room until Agatha stopped by and said everyone was gone.

“Harper is pissed at your man friend, but she married an ass, so she may not be the best judge of character.” Agatha grinned at her own joke.

“Kaine’s fine now. Thanks for telling me, Agatha,” Lucy said.

“Sure, don’t let Harper bait you. She’s quick when she wants to be.” Agatha leaned against the door frame. “If I didn’t know better, I would think you set the entire thing up. Every one of them are going home wondering if their man would carry them away from a battle.”

“Shut up, Agatha,” Lucy growled at her.

“Just saying, and thanks for another day wasted in the fucking bridal shop. If I thought I would ever get married, I would pick up something for me while we’re there so that I never have to go back. But with you married, I shouldn’t have to go back until Emma, and she had better have some years before that happens.” Agatha put her hands together like she was praying.

“You’ll be fine, Ag. I know you secretly love taffeta,” Lucy teased her. So far today, she hadn’t teased anyone.

“Fuck you, Luce, and the man who is making this wedding possible.” Agatha turned to leave but then stopped. “But next time, I think you should have sex. It would be more believable for me if you had.”

With that, she was gone. He could hear her footsteps going up to her room. Of all the sisters, she seemed to be the one with the most personality.

Leo kissed Lucy on the forehead and left. She had promised to call if she felt anything off, but he had to get home and get ready to introduce his kids to their future stepmother.