“I’m not going to sit here and take this,” Lucy said, getting up and heading towards the door to leave the kitchen.

As Lucy rushed out of the room, Harper ran at her and slammed her into the wall behind them. It was so unexpected and quick that Leo could do nothing but watch it happen. Lucy’s head hit the wall, and she slid down it under the weight of her sister, who then punched her in the back before Agatha and Mabel pulled her off.

Rushing to Lucy’s side, he touched her cheeks, checking for damage, even though he knew the most damage could be with the babies. He ran his hands over her body just in case, relieved when he felt nothing that resembled a broken bone. Relief flooded him that she was outwardly okay.

“Lucy, are you okay?” he asked gruffly, using his body to block her from her sisters, glad that nobody else touched her because he didn’t know what they would do to her. Woman or not, he wasn’t letting anything happen to her again this morning. From how the other sisters reacted, this wasn’t a usual activity for them.

“My head hurts.” Her voice quivered as she held it, not her stomach, which he was thankful for. Her worried eyes were focused on her belly.

Harper was no longer going to attack Lucy, so her sisters had let her go. She had taken a step closer to him and Lucy, but it seemed all the fight in her was gone.

Without thinking, he kissed Lucy’s forehead and lifted her into his arms. To his surprise, she went willingly but kept holding her head.

Turning, he eyed the blonde and hissed at her, “If anything like that ever happens again, you won’t be allowed anywhere near her. Do you understand me?”

“Who do you think you are? You have no control over who she sees!” Harper hissed right back at him holding her ground.

“In less than a week, she will be living in my house and will be my wife, so I have a lot of say in it. If you cannot control yourself, I will control you. Try me.” He walked out of the room, Lucy’s body was shaking as he carried her away from her family and those who claim to love her.

Yes, it was too much, but he never wanted to see Lucy get hurt again. Not by her sisters, not by anyone.

Carrying her up to her room, he knew someone was following, but he didn’t know who. He hoped it wasn’t Harper because he was still ready to pound her into a wall for what she had done.

After setting Lucy gently on the bed, he looked into her eyes to make sure there wasn’t a concussion. Her eyes were clear. Then he ran his hands down her body. Nothing was broken, but he knew that because she would have already said. Her eyes watched what he was doing.

“Are you still okay?” He ran a hand over her head, the only thing she said was hurting.

“Yes, t-thank you.” She sounded shaken.

“Sorry I yelled at your sister.” He was enjoying being able to just touch her, her soft, smooth skin warm under his hands.

“I think you just told everyone we’re getting married.” She didn’t take her eyes off of him, reminding him of his words. They hadn’t discussed how they were going to tell everyone, but the cat was out of the bag.

“That he did,” the woman behind them said softly.

“Sorry, Mom, I was going to tell you,” Lucy said, looking away from him and to the woman by the door.

The woman walked farther into the room and hugged her daughter. He had been expecting anger, disappointment, or surprise. Instead, she ran a hand over the new bump on Lucy’s head. “You told me now, Luce. When? We have so much to do.”

“Wednesday,” Lucy said meekly. Her mom seemed not to care that it was so soon; she just seemed excited about the event.

“Congratulations! Lovelys marry so quickly. Agatha will already be married before I know about it. I didn’t think I had a long engagement at four months, but it seems it was a lifetime.”

“Sorry, Mom, but when you find the one….” Lucy shrugged.

“Oh, I know all about finding the one. He seems to be a keeper,” Sera winked at Leo. “He fought off Harper for you, but I don’t think he will get everyone to stop fighting. Only last month it was Mabel who took you down, or did you take Mabel down?” Her mom ran a hand over her head again.

“I did. She was being snooty. I forgot to tell him about the fighting.” She pushed her mom’s hand away.

“Well, you better. Now about the wedding, we need to go dress shopping this morning.” Sera got to her feet. Her excitement was far more than he had expected from anyone.

“Nope, we’re going to tell his kids today about us getting married,” Lucy replied.

“Kids?” Sera turned and looked at him as if he had them with him in the room.

“I have four girls,” he said, wondering if their new stepmom would teach them to fight.

Sera smiled. “More girls. How old?”