“So, we’re sleeping in your mom’s bed?” He looked at it skeptically.

She looked at it also. “Yep. There are five other bedrooms on this floor if you want to stay in one of those.”

“Where are you staying?”

“This is my room, so here.”

“Then I’ll sleep in your mom’s bed as well.”

“I’m going to get changed. I don’t stay up late anymore.” Lucy instantly regretted admitting that. She sounded like an old woman … or just a pregnant one.

Going into the tiny adjoining bathroom, she brushed her teeth and wondered what Leo was thinking out there in her room. It had very little personality; she hadn’t been there that long. Though she had put out a few knickknacks and gotten a new bedspread, it looked mostly the same as when her mom was there.

After changing into an oversized T-shirt, she took a deep breath and headed out to spend the night with her boss … fiancé. It was odd that she was nervous since she’d had more than one one-night stand in her life, but she was always drunk when she did. Always.

Leo was sitting on the bed in just red boxers and a white T-shirt when she walked out of the bathroom. He looked gorgeous, just sitting there staring at the wall beside the bed. For a moment, she wondered if she would be able to keep her hands off of him when the lights went out. Her fingers itched to touch every muscle that had been hidden from her for so long.

She smiled at the drawing on the wall. “Agatha and Violet did that when Mom lived here. I hate to paint over it.”

“Some are really good. It reminds me of a book I’ve read to the girls.” He pointed at a deer.

“Agatha is an amazing artist; she just hasn’t found a way to make money at it yet. She will one day.” Lucy walked past him and around the bed to the other side.

“She is. Are you an artist?” He turned to her and watched her slide under the covers.

“No, I’m just a flounderer. I haven’t found anything I’m good at yet. I don’t think I ever will.” She set her phone on the charger on the nightstand, not paying attention to him.

“Really? You’re an amazing secretary. Your memory is outstanding.” He slid under the covers next to her.

“Just a byproduct of being stupid, Leo. Nothing to be impressed with.” She rolled away from him and shut the light off on the bedside table.

“You are not stupid. I don’t even know why you would think that,” he said. When she didn’t answer, he asked, “How far along are you?”

Lucy rolled onto her back and looking at the ceiling. “Five months.”

“And you’re not showing?” He had turned to her in the darkness and was now propped up on an elbow.

“I am a little, but the nurse said I’m small,” she admitted. It was weird talking about this with someone else.

“You are. Stacy was in maternity clothes by the time she was two months along, and Kelly, well, she didn’t show as much as Stacy did.” She felt him shrug in the dark.

“Stacy just likes to complain,” Lucy replied and froze, realizing what she had just said out loud. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

“Yes, you did, and you’re right. She likes to complain.” He agreed, and Lucy could tell he was grinning at her. She had always wondered if he saw Stacy the same way Lucy did, now that they were not married.

“I’ve always liked Kelly better, but her kids are older, and the divorce isn’t as fresh for her.” Lucy had analyzed it before. Why, she didn’t know, because it hadn’t affected her at all. But she had just the same.

“Kelly’s always been more laid back than Stacy. We get along better, too,” Leo said.

“Goodnight, Leo,” she mumbled, not really wanting to talk about his exes.

“Goodnight, Lucy.”

He rolled away from her, but she could still feel his warm body. The bed was small for two people who were trying not to touch each other in the dark.