Chapter Eleven

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, Lucy thought as she sat on the front step, waiting for her boss to show up to spend the night with her. Shaking her head, she tried to get “boss” out of it; he was Leo, and they were in love. Okay, maybe it was a stretch that they were in love or even lust, but tomorrow morning, she had to make it look real.

When she had come up with the idea, she had forgotten the one major event of this plan: him spending the night … in her bed. It was going to be super uncomfortable.

A big pickup pulled up in front of the house, and Lucy realized she should have moved one of the vehicles that usually lived in front of her place. Agatha and her Jeeps were there, and Harper’s old Jeep was there as well. Kane had bought her a Land Rover months before.

Lucy watched him park in front of the house next door and climb out of the cab and walk towards her place. Standing up as he approached, she saw he was in jeans and a black leather jacket, which was open to reveal a white T-shirt. Even his work boots made him look different than in the office. He was so fucking sexy she couldn’t handle it.

She suddenly wished she hadn’t worn black leggings and an oversized orange sweatshirt. Happily, the shirt only had the word “UM” on it, which meant nothing, but it was cute and large.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked with a smile as he walked up the steps to her.

“Ready as I will ever be.” She tried to fake a smile but didn’t really pull it off.

“Nice house. Is it yours?” he asked as she opened the door to let him inside.

“No, it’s my parents, but Mom lives down the block now since she’s remarried.” She watched him take off his boots and jacket.

He glanced at her. “And your dad?”

“I have no idea. Haven’t seen him in years.” Bradford Lovely was just a name on forms now, nobody she could even recognize. It had been fifteen years since she had set eyes on him.

Her real mom was the same, just a name. Though she could get in contact with her, she didn’t. None of her sisters did, either. Only Buzz and Harper had seen her and talked to her in the last two decades. From that, she knew the woman still didn’t want anything to do with her five daughters, and now, she didn’t want anything to do with the two she had raised after leaving the Lovelys. Lucy didn’t let it bother her. She had a perfect mom and didn’t need the old one.

“It’s still a very nice house,” he said, following her as she led him through it.

“This is the living room.” She pointed out, and then to the kitchen. “Kitchen.”

“Wow, this is nice.” He looked around at the recently redone room. It had professional-grade everything, but it wasn’t used much anymore. For years she and Harper had saved every spare dollar to make this room into what it was now.

“My sister is a caterer.” She almost stumbled on the words, “so we have a professional kitchen. But she has one at her house now, so this is just a backup.”

“A caterer? That must be nice,” he said, looking at the room still.

“It is. She’s a chef.” Not adding that Lucy herself wasn’t or how disappointed her sister was in her about it.

“My bedroom is upstairs.”

“And your sister’s also?” Leo asked as he followed her.

“No, hers is on the third floor. I’m alone on the second,” she said as they made it to the top of the stairs.

“That’s nice.” He looked down the hallway.

Stopping at the stairway to the next level, she hollered up. “Goodnight, Agatha!”

“Goodnight, Lucy, have fun!” her little sister called down to them.

Across the hallway, she opened the door to the master bedroom. It was small, but it had the coveted attached bathroom. When Sera had actually moved out, there should have been a battle over the room, but so many sisters had moved out by then that it hadn’t mattered.

“Does she know?” Leo asked as she shut the door behind them.

“It’s after 10 p.m., and you are just getting here. She knows you’re staying.” Lucy cringed at how it sounded and wished she were a bit more embarrassed about it than she was.

“Can I say that I feel too old to spend the night in a girl’s bedroom?” He grinned at her.

“Would it help if I said it was my mom’s bedroom not that long ago?” She couldn’t resist making him more uncomfortable.