Chapter Ten

By Friday afternoon,Lucy had not asked any further questions, and she gave no indications she was even thinking about finding Leo a wife. He assumed she was and was keeping the information to herself per his request, but he had wanted her to talk to him about it some.

All week, her husband had picked her up again. On Tuesday, she had some comment the moment he arrived, and then on Thursday, neither said anything but just headed out together in calm silence. Sadly, that was what he wanted in a wife; someone to talk and laugh with and be silent when they wanted to. So far, he hadn’t told her that that was also a part of the requirements.

Because if he’d added that, he would’ve also added that she needed to have a nice ass and long legs. Silky brown hair was a plus also, and brown eyes that knew his every move. But the married Mrs. Lovely was off the table. He wondered if she had told Mr. Lovely about her new job. He knew she did because they had no secrets. That’s the kind of marriage Lucy had … the kind of marriage he wanted.

As the clock struck 5 p.m., he headed out to her office. “Are you ready, Lucy?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be, Mr. Montgomery,” she answered, spinning in her chair towards him. Her gray slacks were more loose-fitting than her usual pants, and her blouse wasn’t tucked in like she usually had it. Shrugging, he led the way to the conference room.

“Right in here.” He opened the door for her.

She hurried past him, and he smelled her perfume and wondered what it was. It was light and flowery and made him think of her. He could tell when she’d recently been in his office; her smell lingered.

“I didn’t order anything. I didn’t think either of us could eat,” she admitted what he had already realized as she cleaned off the table last week.

“That’s okay.” He pulled out her chair and went and sat in one at the end of the table.

“I only managed to come up with one name. I really tried, but I realized my friends are not the type of people you would want to marry. Screw around with, yes, but not marry.” She shrugged.

“One might be all I need.” He pointed out, trying to hide a grin. She looked defeated by the task.

“I have a few questions before I say who it is,” she said, tapping her fingers on the table.

“Okay, go ahead.”

“First, she’s not yet thirty. Will that be an issue?”

“A few years under is no issue.” He shrugged, maybe he was putting too much emphasis on age when in the end it wouldn’t matter. It wasn’t like they were going to grow old together.

“Next, she has no children but is currently pregnant, so she’ll have them during the marriage.”

“That might be an issue. If my name is listed on the birth certificate, then I’ll be financially responsible for them. Wait? Them?” He turned to her, confused.

Lucy nodded quickly. “Twins. Couldn’t there be something written up that says you are not responsible? Like a prenup for babies? Or what if your name isn’t listed on the birth certificate?” she asked, her mind looking for a way around it. She was always thinking.

“No, but then again, I’ll obviously get to know the kids, so maybe I’ll want to be financially responsible. I hope that she will get along with my kids, so I should get along with hers. I want her to treat my children like they were her own.” His mind was working around how close he wanted this stranger to be to his kids, but he wanted her very close. She would be their mother, after all.

“Did you answer the question or talk in a circle?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.

“I will support the twins, but what about the dad?” He did not want to deal with a dad in the picture; he already had enough to deal with from his kids’ moms.

“The dad is a non-issue; he will never know about the babies,” she stated firmly.

“Anything else?”

“Length of marriage. Would two years work? Granted that it could be longer if you’re still working on the Chicago move. Those things might take time.” She was still tapping away on the conference table.

“Two years would suffice. I was thinking five hundred grand for every year we are married. After that, the divorce would have to be completely uncontested, or no money would be given.” He had been thinking about that, the divorce.

“I think that’s doable, but she would like you to not sleep around. It’s only two years, after all.” Her fingers stilled as she bit hard on her bottom lip after she said it.

“Am I going to sleep with her?” he asked with a smile, seeing if Lucy would blush again.

“I don’t know if you’d want to. She’s pregnant and will be having two babies in that time, but she doesn’t want you to act like you have been since I’ve known you. Her family is very protective, and she doesn’t want them to know of this arrangement. She would like them to think the marriage is real and that it just ends because some do.” She was tapping her fingers again.

“So, we’ll be faking it. Big wedding and everything also?” He hadn’t thought about the wedding part. He had been concentrating so hard on the marriage that he forgot about the wedding.