“I took them home with me. They’re sleeping now, so I’ll bring them home in the morning.”
“That’s okay, I’ll come and get them now,” he said curtly.
“Mr. Montgomery, the girls are very tired, and they’re already asleep. I will bring them home in the morning,” she stated and hung up on him.
Tomorrow would be soon enough for the girls to be reunited with their father … and for her to be fired. She should have just taken his kids home when he asked—a good assistant would do that. Except she wasn’t a good assistant.
Trying to get back on her boss’s good side, Lucy had the two girls out of the house and on the road home by 6 a.m. the next morning. Since she had been unable to sleep much that night worrying about her job, she had been up early and made cinnamon rolls, something she hadn’t done in months.
It used to be her specialty before Harper took over family breakfasts. Now there weren’t always cinnamon rolls or any sweets since Lucy hadn’t felt welcome to make anything since she’d quit working for Harper.
So, with fresh cinnamon rolls, she took the girls to their father. So far, she had more than one of his kids in her Jeep over the last few weeks. It was starting to be a weird habit for sure.
Addison and Amelia were happily eating a second roll when she pulled into their driveway as the sun was starting to come up. She didn’t know when Leo expected them home but didn’t think it would be this early.
Amelia ran with her sticky fingers to ring the doorbell since the girls didn’t have a key. By the time Lucy made it to the door, they were taking turns ringing it, neither letting the bell stop ringing before hitting it again.
The little girls were giggling and pushing the doorbell until the door finally opened to let them in. Leo Montgomery was in just sweatpants and nothing else: no shirt, no socks, no nothing. Lucy was finally able to see his entire tattoo, and it was very nice. As nice as the abs she hadn’t suspected. Lucy realized he was hiding a lot under those suits.
“Cinnamon roll?” She held them out. Clearly, the guy had just rolled out of bed and looked like he wanted to get back in it.
“Not yet.” He crouched down to hug the two girls who had missed him, but he was looking at Lucy as she shut the door behind her.
“They’re good, Daddy. Lucy made them all by herself!” Addison told her father.
“They smell good,” he commented as he scratched at the dark stubble on his chin and got to his feet.
“I had two,” Amelia said.
Lucy smiled. “I’ll just leave them with you for the other two girls and you.” She held out the pan to him. Somehow, she had expected him to be in a suit at the crack of dawn.
“Thanks, but it’s just me this morning.” He took the pan from her, but his eyes were on her chest as he did it, making her wonder if she had gotten something on her gray sweater, but she was not checking in front of him.
“I got to sleep in Lucy’s old room. She has a new one now,” Amelia chatted excitedly, not that Lucy’s old room was exciting at all.
“I got Harper’s room. It’s green, and I love green.” Lucy smiled again. After hours together, they had finally warmed up to her.
“Why don’t you two go change out of those clothes since you slept in them,” Leo said, nodding at the stairs.
“We didn’t! We slept in Lucy’s T-shirts!” Amelia replied happily but headed into the house anyway.
“What time did Stacy drop them off?” he asked her.
“Three p.m., just when they got off from school. We stayed at the office until seven, then my sister picked us up and took us to the house,” Lucy said, then added, “I started calling you right away.”
“I saw that. I thought you were just texting about some work thing,” he admitted as his eyes swept over her body again.
What was it about him today? Get him out of a suit, and he was all man, and oddly, checking her out? She was checking him out as well, but he was nearly naked. She was in work clothes.
She was lingering by the front door, not wanting to get comfortable around him when he was half-naked.
“I’ll compensate you for last night. I hope it didn’t wreck any of your plans,” he said.
“I had nothing planned, but I had wanted to go home at a decent hour. I’ll send you a bill,” Lucy said, trying to be sarcastic. She didn’t want to leave the gorgeous man in front of her.
“Do you want some coffee?” He was standing bare-chested, holding a pan of cinnamon rolls. She couldn’t keep the images out of her head of ditching the coffee and rolls and following him back to bed.
“Uh, no. I’m not really a coffee drinker,” she stated quickly, pushing the images out of her mind. He was her fucking boss! And he was a cheater—no way was she going there … again.