Chapter Eight

By Wednesday,Leo wished he had told Lucy he needed to be kept up to date about the wife search, that she needed to have a running list of possibilities that he could look at and analyze. Not knowing was driving him crazy.

Today she was in a navy skirt and white blouse and had a light blue sweater over the top. Though the skirt showed off her legs, the sweater reminded him of something his mother would wear.

At 11 a.m., she came in as usual, empty-handed, and said, “You are to be at Mario’s in half an hour.”

“Thank you, Lucy. I got distracted,” Leo said, not mentioning he was distracted by her. Today her hair was up in a loose bun. It was a new look on her, a look he liked.

“That’s why I’m reminding you,” she said, tapping her black heels on the carpet.

“Is the car waiting?” he asked, knowing it was.

“Yes.” She didn’t expand. She didn’t have time for him today, he could tell.

“I need you come with me.” He got up from his desk, grabbing a folder that he was bringing to the lunch meeting.

“No, Mr. Montgomery. I don’t do shorthand,” she said. She never did shorthand. Not that he needed someone who could at the meeting, or anyone else for that matter. But he suddenly wanted her there.

“No shorthand, just remember what happened at the meeting and remind me when we get back. And there’s a free meal.”

“I can assure you that you don’t want me there,” she argued, even as she followed him from the office. Except it was her job to do what he wanted her to do, so she followed.

He handed Lucy her coat from the coat rack and pushed her out the door. In the elevator, she slid the jacket on her shoulders and sighed, not hiding that she wasn’t happy to be there with him.

On the street level, the town car was waiting for him. Holding the door for her, he watched her slide angrily into the car. As he slid in beside her, he wanted to take her hand in his and reassure her that nothing was going to happen, but he didn’t.

Her long legs were crossed, and the one in the air was tapping as they weaved through traffic. He wanted to grab her foot to see if it would stop her but assumed it would just piss her off.

“Who am I meeting?” he asked, opening the file.

Her eyes were looking out the window as the car drove, and she didn’t answer the question. Just remained angrily silent.

“Lucy, do you know who I’m meeting with?”

“Yes, but so do you. I don’t have to tell you,” she barked out at him.

“Maybe you can just enjoy getting out during the day,” he said.

She rolled her eyes. “I like staying put during the day. I have no reason to be at this meeting.”

“I want you there, and that’s the only reason I need to give,” Leo hissed at her. Her anger was making him angry.

“Fine.” She folded her arms, then unfolded them just as fast as she did it.

“I told Aubrey to stay away from that boy, but I don’t think she listened,” Leo stated a moment later.

“Boy?” She turned in her seat and looked at him. “Kevin is over thirty, Mr. Montgomery. Not a boy. He acts like it, but he is not a boy.”

“What? She said he was twenty-three!” Leo stared at her.

It made sense that the guy was older than twenty-three. Lucy herself was nearly thirty and wouldn’t date a guy that young. And she had been married for some time, so there was that.

“God no. He’s thirty, possibly thirty-one. So, I wouldn’t just let her date him. I would tell her that he is too old for her,” Lucy replied as the car pulled to a stop in front of the restaurant.

“Don’t worry, I will be talking to her about him again,” Leo assured her, sliding out of the car and reaching out to help her out.

Tentatively, she took his hand. “Tell her to go back to campus and grab any guy there. They would be way better than Kevin.”