“Nice way to greet family, Jonas,” Frankie stated flatly.

“Get some pants on, man. Nobody wants to see that. Least of all us,” Agatha added.

Turning away as he pulled his pants on, he wondered exactly why they were there. Was Buzz getting cold feet? This afternoon, she had been upset that their wedding was taking too long to actually happen. Could she have changed her mind after all?

“Where is Buzz?” he asked the moment he was out in the living room area of the suite. All four sisters were sitting and looking at their respective phones.

“Here,” Lucy stated as she put her phone away.

Every one of the women were in their pajamas, and not a one looked like they had been sleeping, which meant they would be tired the next day, and Sera would be mad.

“I haven’t seen her,” he said when there was another knock on the door.

But when he opened it, it was only Cliff carrying Mabel, and she was trying not to giggle.

“Put me down. You win!” He dipped her head towards the floor, and she squealed a little before saying again, “You win!”

“Gross, you two. Aren’t you married now? Stop it,” Lucy said, but she was smiling as she watched Cliff set his wife on her feet and give her a kiss on the lips.

“Let’s start this thing,” Agatha stated from the couch.

Cliff looked over at her. “Not everyone is here, Ag.”

“Enough are. We can’t keep doing this with everyone. There gets to be too many,” Agatha grumbled as another knock came on the door.

Jonas went and opened it for Harper and Kaine, who hurried in like they were being followed. They were also in pajamas, and Jonas realized that all the women were wearing “Buzzzz” T-shirts in assorted colors.

“Nice that you’re dressed, Jonas. Is Buzz?” Cliff grinned at him, his wife still in his arms.

“Buzz isn’t here,” he replied, now starting to worry where she was. Everyone was here, and they all seemed to think she should be here also.

“Where’s Buzz? Who saw her last?”

“She left our room before Sera did, which was almost two hours ago,” Louisa stated, looking at her phone, then looked up. “Where is she? Was she kidnapped or something?”

“I thought this was a nice hotel, Cliff. Not one a woman could get kidnapped from.” Mabel slapped him on the arms as she said it.

“Who would kidnap her? I mean, the red hair is kind of cool, but not hold-for-days cool,” Harper said and wedged herself on the couch between Agatha and Frankie, taking Frankie’s phone from her and looking at it. The blue-haired woman quickly took it back.

“Where was she going when she left?” Kaine asked, leaning against the door. There was very little space in the room.

“Here. She even had a keycard,” Louisa answered. Jonas could tell she was getting paniky, which, in turn, was making him nervous.

“Okay, we split up and search the room. Kaine and Harper, you are team one. Maby and Cliff, team two. Agatha, you take Frankie, me, and Louisa.” Lucy jumped from the couch and started paring everyone off.

“Why so many teams, and why is Jonas with no one?” Harper demanded, pointing at him. Her purple shirt had “Buzz” in neon yellow letters.

“I want Louisa. She’s really good at hide and seek,” Frankie stated at the same time.

“Stop!” Jonas yelled, bringing everyone’s attention to him. “No teams. I don’t think the room is that big.”

He left them and went into the bedroom, which he knew she wasn’t in. He had just been there himself, and she wasn’t there. But it had to be searched before everyone walked into the room.

It took less than a minute to find her sleeping on the floor in the closet. Opening the closed door, he saw her in the same spot she had been in months before. Only this time, she was curled into a ball, silently sleeping.

Crouching down, he touched her shoulder. “Buzz, wake up.”

She jerked and opened her eyes. He could tell she was still mostly asleep when she smiled at him and then rolled into a tighter ball. Instantly, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her from the closet.