Upstairs, she checked all the bedrooms and found them all empty on the second floor. Buzz slept in Harper’s room again for the night since she was acting like her during the day anyway. In the room, she hung up the coat, which now had a smudge on the back from the brick wall. The smudge mocked her for lusting after her stepbrother.

It was not quite 4 p.m., so she headed up to the fourth floor to talk to Agatha, who was usually up by now and drawing at her easel. But to Buzz’s surprise, her sister was also gone. Her bed was made, and her room was clean, but she was gone.

Smiling, she said out loud to the empty room, “Good job, Agatha.”

Her sister never stayed out overnight; she and Maby were the least likely to hook up with someone for just sex. Though Agatha had gone through a phase years before, she had mellowed now and wasn’t as into casual sex anymore. Still, Buzz didn’t know if Agatha had ever had a relationship either.

Back in Harper’s room, she decided to try to do a little bit of research on dear old Mom. Typing in her name, she realized she had never actually looked up the woman. Judith had been gone for so long that Buzz had never cared about her. Sera had been her mom and would always be.

There was enough information online that Buzz didn’t need to take the job to learn anything about the woman. She had married the head of the children’s lit department in Chicago. He had recently retired, and there had been a write up about his wife and daughter, only named Louisa in the article, and a son, Jonas.

Digging deeper, she used Maby’s passwords and found that Louisa M.A. Raiden was a freshman and taking a lot of English classes, with a splattering of science and computer. This confirmed her suspicion that she was named after an author. Though that didn’t make it one hundred percent true that the two Judiths were the same person, just that the two Judiths had the same naming pattern. Maybe it was a Judith thing?

Buzz hoped it would only take a day or two to find her answers; she had no control over herself when Jonas was around. She just hoped she wouldn’t sleep with him tomorrow and was only slightly happy she hadn’t slept with him earlier that day.

But she was going cold turkey until the mystery was solved. However, giving up actual turkey would be so much easier than giving up Jonas Raiden. He was way yummier.