Chapter Five

Brunch had not gone as expected. Firstoff, all the females at the table had already eaten. Harrison explained that the women had “accidentally” eaten at home, which was not actually a thing, to “accidentally” already have eaten.

So, the women just drank juice and mostly stared at him while he ate. He was starving. Good sex will do that to a guy—really good sex.

Instead of conversing with his friend and his family, Jonas could only think about finding Trixi again. That wasn’t even her real name, so he had nothing on her. Nothing but a memory, a memory that made him hard just thinking about it.

Pushing the woman from his mind, he concentrated on Harrison’s daughter, who sat across from him. She was the littlest of the two, since the older one was on her phone and didn’t care about what was happening. “What grade are you in?”

“Second.” Violet grinned at him. She was the image of her father. That his friend had two kids he didn’t know about had been a surprise; in fact, Jonas hadn’t believed it was true until he actually saw the children. They were Harrison’s for sure. Nobody could deny that.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” he asked, liking kid small talk more than adult small talk.

As she concentrated on stabbing a blueberry with her fork, she replied, “I am going to be a drawer.”

“Artist,” Sera supplied from across the table.

“Artist, like Ag,” Violet added, giving up on the fork and popping the blueberry in her mouth.

“Ag is my daughter, Agatha. She’s an artist,” Sera informed him.

“Sounds interesting. What else does Ag do?” Artists usually didn’t make enough to live on. If she was making enough, maybe he should look into her art and see if she was the red-headed one.

“She has sex in the kitchen and the living room and the bathroom and cars,” Violet said, still working on the blueberries and not looking up.

“Violet, who told you that?” Harrison looked at his daughter and then at Emmaline, who was now suddenly paying attention to the conversation.

“Ag did. Everyone has sex in the kitchen.” She popped another berry in her mouth and chewed as she finally looked up. Obviously, she got her openness and bubbliness from her mom. Until her youngest had started talking about sex, Sera hadn’t stopped smiling.

“Violet, honey, we can’t talk about sex outside the house, remember?” Sera chided softly, turning to the kid with no embarrassment whatsoever.

“She’s getting kicked out of the second grade,” Emmaline said from her chair, looking back at her phone.

“I am not, Emma. I’m going to be a third-grader next year!” the little girl yelled at her sister.

“Don’t talk about sex, then. Adults don’t like it. The talk, I mean,” Emma corrected herself.

“What are you teaching these kids?” Jonas said as Harrison’s face turned scarlet.

“Too many big sisters.”

“I think I might want to meet these sisters. Violet, do you think I would like your sisters?” He wasn’t going to ask the parents.

“Oh, yes,” the little girl said.

“Which would I like best?”

“Ag. She is an artist and has her own floor in the house. You would like her room. But when the door is shut, you can’t go in there.” The little girl had stopped with the blueberries as she spoke.

“Is her door shut a lot?” he asked just to piss off the parents.

“No, not a lot, but sometimes. I’m losing my room,” she added sadly.

“Who’s taking away your room?”

“We don’t need rooms at both places,” Emma stated as only a teen could while telling her little sister something.

Violet folded her arms. “I do.”