Chapter Three

“I betyou I can get every woman in that back booth to take their shirts off in ten minutes.” The man behind the bar said with a grin. Harrison looked up and watched the dark-haired man as he put a whiskey neat in front of him. “Hundred bucks.”

Harrison turned to the table of laughing women. Not one seemed drunk, and it was close to 6:30 p.m., so he doubted the man could do it. “Deal, but you can’t go over there and talk to them.”

The bartender looked him up and down and said, “Deal.”

Harrison turned in his stool to watch the table in question. He wasn’t missing this if it happened, and if not, he had a hundred dollars coming his way. The bar was packed as he had expected it to be—it had made a hottest bar list over the weekend. Not number one, but fifteen out of twenty-five wasn’t all that bad. That was until you looked around. Then you wondered if it was one of the worst twenty-five in the city. It was nothing but a dive bar.

Harrison like a crowded bar every once in a while, but not all the time. His friend Jonas Raiden loved a trendy bar, and those were always crowded. Jonas was in town for the night and had wanted to get together, and here was where he had chosen, good or bad.

Jonas was late, and there were going to be some topless ladies in here soon. It wasn’t late, but the women were really getting into the karaoke that was starting on the stage. Harrison hated trendy bars.

The blonde on the end was talking to a brunette, then snapped a quip to the blonde in front of her, and Harrison stopped breathing. Seraphina Lovely. It was her perma-smile giving the blonde a talking down. Harrison had been on the receiving end of enough of them to know what she was doing. He was surprised she would go off on her friends, if that’s what they were.… She didn’t seem the type to have friends.

Easy money,Harrison decided. No way was the prude of HR taking off her shirt. Maybe the other three. But not her, not here, not ever. She probably didn’t even change clothes in her bedroom, needing to do it in the bathroom in case her husband saw her.

As a waitress carried over a tray of drinks and started to unload them, she talked to the group. They seemed to know her. When the waitress walked away, she grinned at Cliff at the bar and winked. Harrison’s eyes snapped back to the table. The group was fighting and pointing at each other. Before he knew it, Seraphina Lovely was looking down and unbuttoning her steel-gray blouse. His eyes locked on seeing those breasts he had seen hints of for years.

He was so focused on her that when a blue shirt landed on top of her blonde head, he snapped his eyes to her tablemates to see two of the other three were already down to their bra’s and waiting on the other two.

His eyes slid back to Seraphina’s full breasts that were straining against the black lacy fabric. Her cleavage was deep enough to leave him wanting more. Before his very eyes, the bra was suddenly gone, covered by the blue T-shirt that had been on her head. Those glorious mounds were gone, and he missed them; wanted them back.

Where her black lace and breasts had been was now “Kantaty” in yellow. He didn’t even know what that meant. The show was over, so he turned back to the bartender, who was also watching with a smirk on his face. Harrison wondered if the man was watching Seraphina Lovely also or one of the others.

“I lost. Red didn’t remove hers.” The bartender pulled a hundred from the cash register and handed it to him. His defeat didn’t seem to bother him too much. Harrison’s win wasn’t all that satisfying either, now that the breasts were back in hiding.

“It’s okay, man. Three of four is pretty good.” Harrison slid the money back to him. He needed it more than Harrison did.

“Red’s tits are pretty nice, but she likes to go braless, and it’s too early in the night for her to forget.” The bartender shrugged and took the money back.

Looking back at the table, Seraphina was now alone on her side. Right now, he wished she’d gone braless.

“Hey, man. What are you looking at? A chick?” Jonas slid onto the stool next to Harrison.

“No, just people watching,” Harrison lied.

“This place looks great. Is it new?” Jonas took in the rest of the room, including the brunette from Seraphina’s table singing her heart out to Shania Twain. The rest were watching her as well.

“I don’t think so. Just caught fire.” Harrison looked around and knew it was just a flash fire.

“It’s cool, like an old dive bar. Exactly how one of those would look,” Jonas replied.

Harrison knew it was an old dive bar; nothing special about it. Even the wait staff wasn’t impressed with all the people, but he wasn’t telling his buddy that. Let him believe what he wanted.

“I’m not feeling it.” Harrison was having a hard time keeping his eyes off the back of the bar. Now it was only the blonde and the redhead sitting side by side—Seraphina was gone.

Looking around the room again, he hoped to see her, but she was gone. During the next hour, she didn’t return to the table. Somehow, the vibe in the bar had changed, and he couldn’t find anything good about it anymore. Not even when he noticed that her three friends were still there.

Had she gone home to her husband? Maybe he called and needed her home for him, or she just knew she had to get home before she stayed out too late. Harrison wondered if her husband was aware of her changing clothes at the bar. All he knew was that the man was probably going to see that black bra. For some reason, that just pissed Harrison off.

Since the bar no longer held the appeal it had before, he convinced Jonas that they should find bar fourteen on the list and see if it was any better. Jonas was up for the change, and they headed out, but not before he took one last look around the bar for a blonde in a blue T-shirt. Nothing.