
She had been stalling.That was her only excuse to why she had barely moved anything out of the Lovely house. Slowly over the last few weeks, she had moved most of her clothes and almost all of her personal possessions to the new house, a house that she had loved on sight, and Harrison agreed to because it was the first one she had even liked a little.

But today was her wedding day, and her stalling had worked until right now. No longer did she have the excuse that she needed to periodically run home for something, which was how she had moved so much over the course of only a few months. After today it should all be gone, except it was already gone.

So far, Harrison hadn’t said anything about it. They were already basically living together, except the one or two nights a week she spent at the Lovely house. She was ninety-nine percent sure that they were in this forever, but that one percent didn’t want to come back to no bedroom.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Agatha asked from the doorway. Today she was wearing a gray sweatshirt with matching sweatpants. Sera held her tongue because she knew by the time the wedding started, she would be in a dress. She had better be, at least.

“Yes,” Sera said without hesitation. Her time for stalling was over.

She grabbed the bag she had packed off the bed. In it held everything she needed to get married that day. Tomorrow would be soon enough to admit to Harrison that she had almost nothing in the house, that she had been staling, just like everyone had been saying for months.

It was before dawn, but she was already showered and dressed in blue jeans and her favorite blue Kantaty shirt. Today was the day. Not for the big move; that would come later, but today, she was becoming Mrs. Harrison Dean. Yes, she was taking his name—no way was she not since it belonged to Harrison. After spending sixteen years as a Lovely, she hated to leave the name behind, but her two kids were now Deans, so she would become one too.

Harrison’s bribe had worked, and Emma had agreed to the change before she got the car, which was just as well because she was looking at far more pricier ones than Harrison had dreamed of. But that girl had her dad wrapped around her finger and would be getting whatever she wanted—the same with her little sister.

“Are you sure? We could be in Kansas by the time anyone misses you.” Agatha grinned casually, leaning against the door frame.

“How fast can you drive?”

“Faster than you, Mom.” Agatha grabbed the bag from her.

“You look tired. Are you sure you want to go with me this morning?” Agatha dodged her fingers as she tried to push her bangs from her eyes, which meant she wasn’t interested in a hug, even if it was Sera’s wedding day.

“Yes. This is our last chance to be just us before you get married.” Agatha frowned at her and headed out the door.

“We will still be us after I’m married.” Sera followed closely behind her.

Agatha started down the stairs. “Not the same.”

Agatha’s words were true. From here on out, Sera wouldn’t be there every day to see her girls, to guide them and be a big part of their lives. From now on, she would just be an observer in their lives. Still the mom, but different. The overwhelming sadness that the change brought was why she came home, no matter how much she loved Harrison.

“I know. Maybe I shouldn’t be getting married. Harrison would understand.” Sera stopped on the top step and knew he wouldn’t. It was quite possible that he was looking forward to this wedding even more then she was.

“Harrison might, but not any of the two hundred guests you invited.” Agatha finally realized she wasn’t following and turned to glare at her.

“Once I started, I had a hard time stopping,” Sera admitted. Maybe she had gone overboard, but she was only getting married once. Well, twice, but the first one didn’t count. Except for her kids, she had gained nothing from that one.

“I noticed,” Agatha teased her and started down the stairs again, not waiting any longer.

“Wait until you get married, Ag. The entire town will be invited.” She followed, teasing her daughter.

“Not getting married, so not actually happening. Thank god.”

“I’m going to love watching you fall in love.”

“I’m not. So, why do you have to be at the church so early?”

“I don’t. I just need to do a few last-minute things.” Sera was never going to admit to her daughter that she wanted to be there early so that the day would get over earlier. As much planning and preparing she had done, she wanted it over already. She was tired of it.

“So, you have no reason to actually be there at five in the morning?” Agatha handed her bag back to her with a frown.

Sera glared at her and stated, “I want to, Agatha. Isn’t that reason enough?”

“I guess since it is your big day.“ Agatha pointed at the white Jeep parked on the street. “Let’s take yours. But I’m driving because I drive faster.”

“That is exactly what I’m looking for this morning, Agatha. Speed!” Sera yelled as she walked backwards toward her Jeep, though she had thought it was in the driveway last night. Someone must have taken it during the night, a night when they were supposed to be sleeping. Well, if they weren’t listening to her yet, they never would. They had better not be tired at the wedding.