“She’ll get used to it.” Buzz punched him lightly in the arm. “Change has always been hard for her.”

“Remember when she started high school and nearly ran away?” Lucy said, putting pork chops in plastic containers.

“Nearly? She was gone for like five hours. And then I spent the entire morning with her on her first day, so she didn’t bolt again. High school math still sucks.” Mabel poked at her pork chop.

“How about when we decided to get a real Christmas tree instead of that old plastic thing we always used?” Harper started gathering up empty plates from around the room.

“You mean the year of two trees?” Lucy laughed and shook her head.

“I think you and Mom are in for a battle with that one.” Buzz punched him again.

Harrison took in their words and thought it would be a battle worth fighting. If she was anything like her older sisters, her dedication to those she loved would be fierce. Each would do anything for the other, and that included his own daughters. They all went above and beyond for Sera’s girls, it seemed, and that was something Sera had taught them all.

“Why do you guys call her mom sometimes and Sera sometimes?” he asked the women. He had noticed that the names were oddly interchangeable.

“Because she is not our mom, but Emma was a wee bit confused when she was really little. For a month when she was three, she called her Sera, so we started calling her mom. But she is our mom,” said Harper. The rest nodded in agreement.

When he had met Sera’s girls last night, he had been impressed with them. They were accomplished women who seemed to know what they wanted in life. But today, he had seen a side of them that he loved, the part that had taken on a stepmother and stepsisters without hesitation and made them feel like a part of their family, a big part. He just hoped they would do the same with him.