“I married Bradford because I was pregnant with Emma. I knew my parents wouldn’t like it, but they didn’t like him either.” She struggled against his arm. “After about three weeks, he went to South America to teach abroad. He was a literature professor.”

He kissed her neck at her silence. “And?”

“And I haven’t seen him since. Not once. He calls every year to check on the kids but really doesn’t care. I stayed married until Buzz graduated high school so that I had a claim to her; to them all. I started to have sex again when Emma was a year old. I never really considered myself married. You were the only man I ever slept with at work, and it was just that once.”

“I wish I remembered. I would have gotten rid of Veronica to be with you.”

“You loved her, Harrison.”

“I wanted what I thought she could give me, but I don’t think it was ever love. I have never felt for her half of what I feel for you. When I’m away from you, you are all I think about. You are everything I want in life—you and our girls. And all those other girls that come with you.” He couldn’t let her go, even now.

“I have seven kids, Harrison. I will always have seven kids,” she reminded him.

“I don’t care. Although, I am hoping we don’t have to live with them all forever.” Nuzzling her neck, he breathed her in, knowing that she wouldn’t be the woman he loved without all her kids.

“They sometimes move out,” she said on a sigh, her hands running up his sides.

“I should start introducing them to my friends.” At this point, he liked all the girls but didn’t really want to live with them all.

“No pushing my kids. When they fall in love, it’ll be on their own timetable.” She pushed at his chest, but he didn’t budge.

“Like their mom?” he whispered in her ear and felt her shiver.

“No, she’s been in love with the same guy for years. He just never knew it.” Her arms pulled him closer to her, not wanting him too far away.

“He knows it now.” His mouth finally landed on hers.

Hours later, after they watched a movie with the kids and put them to bed, and after she had taken him to her bedroom, and they had made love, he had woken her slowly with kisses down her body.

She opened her eyes to see the man she loved, and he smiled at her. “See? I wake from a dead sleep just to look at you.”

“You’re just horny.” She stretched, because she was too.

“That too, but I can’t get enough of you. You will marry me.”

“You have to ask, Harrison.” Sera grinned, but he knew she loved when he was forceful.

“Seraphina Lovely Dean, will you marry me?” he asked, kissing her body between every word.

“I’m not a Dean yet.” She giggled at his presumption.

“Yet.” Was the last word he said as his mouth claimed hers.