“Not even for his kids. So, I started dating about a year after was Emma born. But I stayed married to Bradford until Bea graduated. I couldn’t risk any of them going to foster care. That was six years ago. Neither of my children are Bradford’s.” Sera wanted the woman to know but didn’t say who their father was.

“Harry doesn’t know?”

“I usually don’t tell people about it. It leads to a lot of questions I don’t want to answer. At work, I like people to think I’m still married. It makes it easier.” It seemed odd to tell this woman that; in fact, it was odd telling anyone. At first, it was an unconscious thing to not tell, but later she didn’t correct people because she didn’t want to.

“I can see that. I let people call me Mrs. Dean for years without correcting it,” Emily said, and Sera knew she understood.

“What are you two chatting about?” Harrison asked from the doorway. His tie was gone, and even his sleeves were now rolled up.

“Just life, Harry,” Emily answered her son as she got up. “How about I make something to eat? It’s getting late.”

“Sorry, Emily, but I should be getting home soon,” Sera said, not wanting to have a meal with people she was lying to.

“Sorry, Mom. We rode together, so I’ll have to pass also,” Harrison echoed.

After a quick goodbye, they were heading back to the parking lot where Sera’s Jeep was. No words had been spoken between them as Harrison drove. Sera didn’t know what Harrison was thinking; it could’ve been anything. Her mind was racing with all the information she had gotten about Harrison and his past, how he had been raised, and how that made him who he was.

Her mind could stop thinking about how he would react to learning the truth about the girls. Or how his mother would react. It was clear to her that family was important to them and that they would embrace her girls. But she was still scared to share them because they had the means to take them from her. Though she was sure they would not, she couldn’t take that chance, not yet.

Pulling into the parking lot, Harrison put the car in park but didn’t move. Nor did Sera.

Harrison broke the silence between them. “We need to talk.”

“Harrison, no.” She couldn’t talk to him. She had too many secrets that wanted to get out.

“Please, Sera. I’m tired of pretending that I don’t miss you and that I don’t want you back.” He turned and looked at her finally.

“You and I both know it’s for the best to just stay away from each other until after the investigation is done.” Sera closed her eyes as she spoke. She couldn’t look into his eyes.

“But it’s done. I’m not the father,” he replied earnestly.

“That part is done, but the harassment case is still open. Just because you didn’t father her child doesn’t mean the rest didn’t happen.” She finally opened her eyes, which was a mistake because she saw the pain in his.

“You still don’t believe me?”

“It isn’t what I believe or not. I have to prove or disprove it.” The words were the same as she had said before.

“Can you disprove it then?” he hissed.

“I can’t talk about it.” She opened her door to finally leave.

“Can’t or won’t, Sera?” he called out to her.

Not answering, she slammed the door shut and walked to her Jeep. He roared off before she even got into the cab, so she sat and thought about everything that had happened that day.

Oddly, they had each met each other’s parents in one day—one long, emotional day.