“Don’t be. I’m under investigation at work for sexual harassment,” he admitted. He didn’t want her to know, but if he couldn’t prove the claim was false, then he would have to tell her.

“Did you?” was all she said. No judgment in her eyes.

“No. A woman accused me of having an affair with her and getting her pregnant.”

“Did you?”

“No, I never touched her, and you know I can’t have kids.”

“No, I know you have a small chance of having kids. I haven’t given up on you like Veronica did. I believe in you.”

“In me getting someone knocked up?”

“Of you giving me some grandkids.”

“I wouldn’t hold your breath.”

“I am anyway. So, who is it you’re seeing, or not?”

“Just a woman I’ve known for years, but suddenly she is different.”

“Different good or different bad?”

“Bad, in a good way.” He laughed at his mom’s expression. “She works in HR and is actually handling the harassment case.”

“That doesn’t sound good, but tell me about her anyway,” his mother said.

“Let’s see. Her name is Sera, and she’s blonde and tall. For some reason, she’s always smiling—actually, she’s usually laughing when she’s not at work. She’s the head of HR, but yesterday, she was waitressing for a friend who needed help. She was so different out of the office. We’re the same age, so a little different than the type of women I’ve been dating lately,” he answered, remembering her wet in James’s kitchen.

“Sounds like someone you could have a future with. And nothing like Veronica,” his mom said, not trying to hide that she didn’t like his ex-wife. Her dislike of the woman had been a surprise to him after all her years of pretending otherwise. Apparently, she was a good actress.

“She isn’t. Most likely raised with little to no money, and she seems so down to earth and normal. Nothing like Veronica and her friends.”

“I might like her. Maybe you can pursue her after your harassment thing is over.”

“Nope, she just told me it was a one-night thing.”

“Probably because of the case. She doesn’t want to seem like she’s on your side. She has to be fair since that’s her job.”

“Maybe, I don’t know.”

“I do. She sounds smart and doesn’t want her personal life to interfere with her work life. Just let her be until this all blows over, then get her. I want to meet her,” she said with a grin. “Does she have any kids?”

“I don’t know. She’s never mentioned any, but I think so. I remember her being pregnant once years ago.” He should have asked. He never even thought about it until this moment. They had been busy doing and talking about other things.

“I hope so. I want grandkids from you.”

“Maybe after all this blows over, I will ask,” he said, realizing his mom was right, as usual. He needed to stay away from her until this was over, and then he would get her back in his bed. Where she belonged.

“If that’s all, I think you can mow the lawn so I can work on these cookies. When you get done, I will make your favorite ones, so you can take them home with you.” His mom winked at him. She may not have been expecting him, but she had a list of things for him to do anyway.

“I will do that, just for you.” Harrison did everything his mother asked the rest of the afternoon, but not one task managed to take his mind off Sera Lovely.

Now that he was back in the office on Monday, he really was trying to follow his mother’s advice. He was. He wasn’t going to talk to Sera about the case or them; he just wanted to talk to her for a moment. But the closed door meant it wasn’t happening.

Once in his office, he tried to concentrate on his work. Maybe she would come seek him out. She knew where he was just as he knew where she was. And his door was open!