Page 55 of Keeping Her Safe

“But they don’t know. Evie, who am I?” She looked at her blond sister, the one whose husband had bought her books for Zachary.

“You’re Zephyr Hart?” Evie answered in question.

“Della, if someone dies, does the executor of the estate have to contact the beneficiaries?” she asked the judge.

“Yes, that is the law,” Della confirmed.

“Right away?” Zephyr stood up and took another step away from Ken, who was standing too close to her.

“They’re supposed to.” Della nodded.

“What if they don’t?” She pushed her sister for the answer.

“Please, Zephyr. Zachary is your beneficiary. Is he not going to contact the heirs?” Ken didn’t let Della answer.

“Zachary would, which is why I chose him. But if he’s dead, then that job falls to you.” She pointed at him.

He sneered. “Really, Zephyr?”

“Did you try to have him killed? He was shot a few weeks ago. Was that you?” Everything started falling into place.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” He lied again; she could just tell.

“You stand to gain control of my estate if I die, especially if Zachary dies before he can contact the beneficiaries,” she explained, solving the puzzle.


“Were you going to kill my heirs? Their families? For money?” She looked around the kitchen. They were all there except Zachary, who was near.

“I don’t need to kill you for money, Zephyr. I make a lot of money from you already,” Ken stated with a smirk.

“But I make more. And I can be gone tomorrow if I want to be.” She folded her arms as the answer was so obvious.

“You wouldn’t leave my company!” His face turned red in anger at the mere thought she would leave.

“Looks like I’m going to. You want to kill me.”

“You can’t leave me. I have all of your work. All of it!” He tapped his pocket.

“What you have is three books that I have copies of, so you really have nothing. And I have no idea what you have in your pocket, but it is not the last book.” Zephyr looked at his pocket.

“Where is the last book?” He looked around the kitchen.

“Zachary has it.” She lied.

“Well, now I will have to find him. Because I am tired of giving you money for all my work,” Ken hissed.

“Your work? Your work? I’ve been writing those books for eight years! Most of my life. You are just the person who gets them into people’s hands. I am the one who created them.” Zephyr got to her feet to yell at him. She would not be looked down on by this man.

“You were just a scrawny kid with nothing when you showed up at my office,” Ken pointed out. It was true, but she wasn’t that kid anymore.

“It was not nothing. It has made more money than anything you have ever published.” She took a step towards him.

“That’s what makes it mine. I published it, and once I get you taken care of, I can become you, and we can finally get that movie made.” Ken almost laughed.

“Really, a movie? And you can’t become me,” she stated firmly.

“You said it yourself. Nobody knows who you are. Nobody even cares.” He pointed to her.