His fingers ran over her mouth as she asked, “Why?”
“Why did I want to do nothing but touch you, or why wasn’t I going to?” His mouth followed the path his fingers had trailed. “We hated each other, Zeph. It’s the only emotion we shared.”
“I don’t hate you. We just have a lot of issues,” she whispered.
“Zeph, we fought over a man like little kids. He’s been dead for two years, and I don’t want to fight about it anymore,” he said as he kissed across to her ear. “I just want to touch you.”
“I don’t want to fight anymore either,” she agreed as her hands slid under his sweater. She skimmed over his bandage, then lightly ran her nails down his back.
With a groan, he pulled away from her and sat up. With quick motions, he took off his guns, one on his leg and one on the small of his back, and placed them on the nightstand. Turning back to her, he pulled off his sweater and threw it on the floor.
She hadn’t moved from where he had left her and had just watched him with her blue eyes. When he turned back to her, she had covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hide a smile.
He pulled the hand off her mouth and kissed the back of it before grabbing the other and making her sit up. He didn’t drop her hands as he leaned into her for a kiss. He was only planning a light kiss, but she was ready for him and sucked his lower lip between hers. Zachary deepened the kiss as he held her hands between them.
Groaning, he pulled away from her mouth and dropped her hands, but in one motion, he pulled off her sweater to reveal a pink lacy bra containing her breasts. By the time her sweater made it to the floor, his mouth was on her neck. She shifted her head to give him better access and smoothed her way up his chest.
His hands moved around her, flicked the clasp of her bra, and slid it down her arm. Pulling back, he watched his hands cover her pale breasts. His eyes went to hers, and they were watching his hands on her as well. The light blue was gone, replaced by dark desire. He knew she was as turned on as he was.
Pushing her back onto the bed, he took a nipple into his mouth and heard her purr as he pulled it into a taut peak. Even though her breasts were large, they were very sensitive to his touch, and it turned him on.
Moving to the other breast, he stopped at her mouth for a long, deep kiss. As he pulled away, he mentioned, “I didn’t find the USB.” Then he took her other nipple in his mouth and suckled.
She was panting as she said, “I hid it already.” Zephyr gasped and arched her back for him.
“Next time, I want to find it here.” He gently bit her pebbled nipple, and he felt her suck in a breath.
Following down the curves of her body, he slid her pants down her hips, taking her underwear with them. With a smile, he moved back to her neck for a nibble as he felt her undo the button on his jeans and slide the zipper open. She pushed the fabric over his hips, but he took over and removed his jeans as his eyes devoured her body.
He knew he was grinning at her, but he couldn’t stop. He had been dreaming of this for years since that day in the hospital room when he saw her in the window light. Why had he been fighting it?
Lowering his mouth to hers, he softly bit her lip, then deepened the kiss until she was panting in his arms. His hand reached her core, and he felt her suck in another breath as he touched her. Would he ever get used to how her body reacted to his touch?
As he slid a finger into her folds, Zachary watched Zephyr’s eyes close when he began to gently caress her. Slow, rhythmic motions had her hips straining. Leaving her mouth behind, he took a nipple into his mouth, and her body came around him. She was still breathless, and her body was still humming when he kicked off his underwear and settled between her legs, pushing her hips wide.
Lifting his eyes from her gorgeous body, he looked into her face. Her eyes were wide, and she was slowly shaking her head. Immediately, Zachary pulled back in shock, not understanding why she wanted to stop. It was at that point he remembered he didn’t have a condom on. She must have realized it. He quickly grabbed his jeans, snagged a condom out, and slid it on.
By the time he was ready, she had recovered a little. He was surprised when she sat up and pushed at his chest. Letting his body fall, he realized she really didn’t want this. As he landed, he covered his face with his hands and tried to figure out what had happened.
His eyes flew open again when he felt her hands on his chest. He focused on her blue eyes that were sparkling in the dim light, watching her climb over his body to straddle him. His hands went to her thighs as she started to grind her hips against his erection. He grabbed her waist and lifted her, then slowly lowered her onto his shaft. Inch by inch, she slid down it until he was completely surrounded by her.
She stayed perfectly still with her eyes wide, looking down at his face. As a slow smile spread across her face, she started to rock. He was holding her hips but was not controlling her movements. As the speed and intensity increased, she moaned and threw back her head. His eyes were focused on her face and the sounds she was making until her hands left his chest and took up her breasts. It steadied their sway, but the scene before him made Zachary’s orgasm rocket through him. As his body tensed, he felt her release join his.
Her body collapsed onto his chest. Circling her in his arms, he held her to him and kissed her head as they caught their breath and cooled off. Still huffing, he said into her hair, “I thought you wanted to stop?”
“Never,” she replied with a sigh.
“Did I hurt you?” It just crossed his mind that this was only her second time.
“I thought that my boobs were going to fall off at one point, but no.” She laughed softly and shifted her head so she could look at him. “Did I hurt you?” She ran her hand over his bandage again.
“No, I’m fine.” He hadn’t thought about his wound all day. He should take the bandage off and just leave it off, but he didn’t want to move Zephyr’s body.
“Good,” she said and shifted to kiss the white bandage.
Goosebumps appeared on her shoulder, so he forced himself to let her go. He excused himself to the bathroom and hoped not to meet anyone on the way since he had only thrown on his boxers.
To his relief, he saw nobody on his way to or from the bathroom. Quietly, he closed the door and saw that she had buried herself under the blankets. Though he was a little disappointed to not be able to see her body again, he was rewarded by seeing her smile at him.