Page 44 of Keeping Her Safe

“Where is the USB drive? I will go look for it,” he said, wondering if it was still there in all that mess.

“It’s not inside. I have it on me. I always do.” She smiled.

Without thinking, he brushed his fingers down her body. Not exactly patting her down like a criminal, just a slide over her body. His hands slipped into her pants pockets, back then front.

“You’ll have to head north if you’re looking for treasure, detective.” Her voice was thick as she teased him.

His hands stopped, and he whispered, “How far north?”

“God didn’t bless me with this rack to not used it for storage.” His eyes dropped to her chest, but his hands didn’t look for the device there. “I had no bra for the trip; no storage. I had to keep the computer close.”

“I love your breasts more now than I did before. And I really loved them before.” He pulled her back into his arms.

As they stood holding on to each other, Gabe, Max, and Della walked up to them. The sirens had been turned off, but the lights still flashed, lighting the neighborhood. Zephyr pulled out of his arms to face the three while Zachary grabbed her hand with his and squeezed it.

“What’s going on, Wainwright?” Gabe asked.

“Zephyr has a stalker. I didn’t think he would find us here.” Zachary told the truth. He was really getting tired of lying to these people. They were good people, and he actually considered them friends.

“How bad of a stalker? Panties or more?” Gabe asked, the cop in him knowing the situation could go from harmless to deadly.

“Death threats for a few months,” Zachary said matter-of-factly.

“Any idea who?” Max asked as his eyebrows scrunched together.

“No, we haven’t been able to find anyone who would want her dead.” Zachary squeezed her hand again.

“What else has been done?” Gabe asked.

“He broke into Zephyr’s house. They also broke in and started a fire in mine.” He felt Zephyr stiffen as his words. He hadn’t told her about the break-in or fire. He didn’t think she needed the stress of knowing about it. “My partner took your items to his place for safekeeping,” he said to Zephyr, and she relaxed a little.

“And now here? Is he trying to kill her or get something from her?” Max asked.

“Both, I think. I don’t want to talk about what he wants, but now it is probably worth more if she’s dead.” Zachary had tried to piece together who would benefit from Zephyr’s death. He hadn’t made the pieces fit yet.

“You guys will stay at the mansion tonight. Gabe will make sure there are a dozen cops watching the house. Tomorrow, you can decide where to go from there,” Della stated.

“No, we’ll leave tonight,” Zachary replied. He needed to get her as far from this town as he had from Tampa.

“Sorry, Zachary. Your tires are all flat on your rental,” Max said.

Zachary hadn’t even noticed that the tires had been slashed. He knew they were not safe as long as they were in town.

“Evie’s,” Della said.

“No,” Zephyr argued.

“Yes. She has an extra room. Nobody will think to look out there, and there is no traffic during the night. Gabe can get cops posted out there. I’m calling her,” Della stated and walked away with her phone.

“It will be the best plan for tonight. Evie has a spare room, and Zoey and I do not,” Gabe said, looking over to Della, who gave him a thumbs up.

“I don’t think Evie likes me,” Zephyr said.

“Don’t worry. She barely likes me, either.” Gabe smiled.

“Me either,” added Max with a grin. “At least you’re not dating her sister.”

They set the plan in motion, and Zephyr helped Della put the girls to bed as Gabe and Zachary went back into the house to gather up their stuff. Soon they were heading back out of down to the Hart Farm, this time in Gabe’s car.