Page 8 of Looks That Kill

I was already struggling into my pants with the zipper getting caught in the flesh of my forefinger to make me grimace. It finally came loose leaving a noticeable white raised spot on my finger. It was painful but nothing compared to what she was going through at the hands of this callous individual with no semblance of right or wrong.

My hand went to my mouth when I heard the unmistakable sound of the back of a hand hitting her face. There was no telling how much she was going to have to endure before I finally got there to rescue her from a fate worse than death.

“I don’t want to hear another word out of your slut mouth. I would suggest getting on your knees. Make me feel good and I might forget about doing anything else," he relayed while my anger boiled.

I was going to need something to use as an outlet.

What came to mind was this man’s face being pummeled into hamburger. He wasn’t going to be able to look at himself in the mirror the same way ever again. Nobody was going to stop me from exacting revenge on her behalf.

I heard the zipper being pulled down with her whimpers of resignation echoing in my ears. No woman should ever be treated with such disregard. Putting them on a pedestal sometimes made me fall victim to their manipulations.

“This might happen, but you will never break me. You better have one eye open for the rest of your life. Nobody is going to see me coming when I come knocking on your door with a baseball bat and gun in hand," she grunted with her voice neutral but still showing a trace of fear underneath it all.

I was already out the door and in my truck gunning the engine and spraying the gravel in all directions fishtailing down the road. The phone was sitting beside me in the passenger seat giving me a blow by blow description of what was happening. The GPS located the bar and gave me step by step instructions to get there. The metallic voice was quite lovely, but she was merely a means to an end.

“I like that you think you won’t be broken. Grabbing your hair like this and making you look at me is making me hard. You can see it for yourself. I’m not wearing any underwear," he snickered, obviously, with a handful of her hair to make her less than willing to take the next step.

I could barely make out the vacancy sign of the hotel. The speed limit meant nothing when her honor was at stake. Opening up about my past in the military was the hardest thing I had ever done. Life was full of mistakes that I was trying to atone for. Taking my chances at the prospect of love was a bitter pill to swallow.

I raced through a red light consciously scanning the area for any signs of a police officer munching on a doughnut in his cruiser nearby. I did get an angry horn from a driver in a silver sports car coming from the opposite direction. There was no time to make my apologies for almost running him off the road. I could feel the vehicles meeting the heavy-duty bumper, giving the side of his car a close shave with sparks flying everywhere.

There was suddenly this flash in my eyes temporarily blinding me. It was probably one of those automatic cameras recording my crime for posterity. They would levy a hefty fine but it was worth it in my hurry to get to her in time.

They certainly didn’t make vehicles like my old truck. Everything else was mass-produced and put together haphazardly on the assembly line. There was no pride in ownership.

I knew every inch of my truck including the little noises that made her unique. It was speaking a language only I could understand.

“I don’t have all day. I’m not the bad guy in this scenario. You come into a place like this wearing a skirt like that and don’t expect a man to react. You were practically advertising that you are here looking to get some. Don’t try to pull the wool over my eyes you nasty little…” The phone went silent and I stared at it, unseeing. My batteries had gone dead.