Page 6 of Looks That Kill

He introduced himself as Damian and didn’t seem at all offended by my remarks.

“I’m not looking for anything more than friendly conversation. I don’t go around advertising this, but I really don’t have any interest in either one of you. This is a show for my friends to get them off my back. I have somebody important in my life, but they would never understand," he said in a lower register, smiling the entire time to make it seem like he was making headway with us.

“I was right,” I said with a nudge to my friend’s shoulder. “The good ones are either already taken or gay,” I giggled with the influence of the alcohol running through my veins.

“It’s too bad. I’m feeling particularly horny this evening. There would be things I could do to your body that you would never be able to get anywhere else. What do you think of a woman that pines after a man that humiliated her in the past?” Bethany blurted out with her eyes firmly glued on this man’s muscles.

I could envision them going at it all night. He hadn’t been very forthcoming other than he was off the market. The signs were all there that he was playing for the other team. He didn’t come out and say it, but his kind demeanor and soft blue eyes told a tale of sympathetic compassion.

“That is very tempting, but I regrettably decline. It would be easy to get one of my friends to give you what you’re looking for this evening. I don’t mind playing matchmaker even if it is a one-night stand. You can have your pick of the litter. Name your poison, and I will be glad to give you the 411.” He went on to give us the back story on his friends and which one could be respectful in the morning.

“This is good information to have. If what they came in here for was to find an older woman to give them a memory to sustain them then they came to the right place. I’m partial to the guy that keeps looking at me and then looking away. He’s the kind of guy that I can teach a few tricks and have him coming back eating out of the palm of my hand," she slurred her words, but I knew from experience she was still in control of her faculties.

“He’s the star quarterback with a girl on the cheerleading squad. Don’t tell him that I told you this, but he confided that his experience is rather limited when it comes to being with a girl. I must have one of those faces that make people tell me all their darkest secrets. He could use the tutelage of an older woman," he said while running his hands through his long blond hair.

It went straight over his shoulders and down his back. He was old enough to know better and young enough not to care.

“Excuse me for a moment while I stake my claim to young Benjamin. He’s just what I need to get a good night’s sleep. I’m going to drink from the fountain of youth until I’m thirsty again," she said with a lick of her lips struggling out of her seat until she was sashaying her way across the floor with the glass of champagne in her hands.

“I think your friend isn’t the only one that needs some loving. I might be involved but I’m not dead. We should take this party up to my room. I’m only suggesting talking the night away but what happens after the door closes is anybody’s guess,” Damian teased with those dimples hard to ignore from where he was sitting across from me only a few feet away.

“I could use a good distraction. Just don’t get the wrong idea that this is something I do on a regular basis. I’d been known in the past to have some anonymous fun, but it always leaves me empty inside in the morning. I can’t go home without doing something I’m going to kick myself in the morning for,” I said while taking his hand and leading him to a room down the hall where he suddenly had me pinned up against the door.

The look of innocence had been replaced by something sinister in his eyes. This was a man who knew how to play the game to get what he wanted. Being fooled wasn’t an easy concept for me, but I was stuck being mauled like an animal without an exit strategy.

“This is going to happen. You can protest that this isn’t what you want but the proof is in your wet soaking panties," he said with his hand underneath my skirt touching those soiled panties in lavender.

They were barely much more than a piece of floss nestled between my cheeks.