Page 10 of Looks That Kill

He gasped from the way that I was pressing my advantage. That fingernail went deep enough to leave a lasting impression. He didn’t know what to do with a strong and confident woman. Faking it to make it gave me a moment of pause.

The only thing on my mind was how fast my legs could carry me to safety.

“It was supposed to be easy. I was told that you would be easy pickings. What a joke at my expense," he stammered with his cock depleting in size and thickness.

It was as if I had slapped it with a rolled-up newspaper. He no longer had the adrenaline rush of having me at his mercy. The added side effect of his flaccid condition almost made me laugh out loud at the absurdity of it all. My strong words and attitude were neutering him like an angry puppy.

The one glaring bit of information that stuck with me was his declaration that somebody had told him to come on to me. It meant there was another player in this game. Leaving was the last thing on my mind. I wanted that name to come out of his mouth.

“What gave you the balls to think that you could play in my sandbox? I’m not some dainty little flower. It was fun making you think otherwise. You should have seen your face when I made you back up. Tell me the name of the person whispering into your ear and I might go easy on you,” I said with all ten fingers scratching his chest with my teeth showing the entire time.

“I’m not at liberty to say. We respect each other’s privacy," he spilled with his chest arched and his eyes half-closed.

“That’s not the right answer,” I said while straddling his lap where he still wasn’t able to get it up.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a hunting knife, and I took advantage of his compromised position to place the blade up against his throat. Just nicking the skin made him flinch. He actually thought that I was through playing games and that I was ready to see him bleed to get the answers to my questions.

“Everything is anonymous. We all have handles and never use our real names. The guy told me exactly what to do to get your attention. I was playing by the numbers exactly described to me by an anonymous benefactor. He was dead wrong about you," he sputtered with his voice in a higher register.

“That’s not good enough. I want you to tell me about this chat site. Don’t make me ask you again,” I said with authority while feeling this rush of power to have him at my mercy.

“The card is in my wallet in the back compartment. Please…don’t kill me," he begged with his body prone and frozen to the fear that I could see in his eyes.

I reached for his wallet still holding onto the knife giving a little bit of a jerk to keep him in a cooperative state of mind. It took a moment to find the card in question. It was a chat site for men who thought power came from hurting a woman.

“What is the man’s handle on the site?” I asked when he suddenly and very quickly had me on my back with my hands over my head.

He raised the knife with two hands preparing to plunge it into my chest.