He gave her a slow smile. “You could say that. When I realized you were gone, I fucking panicked. I’m just glad I found you and that you’re all right.”

His phone buzzed. He stared at the screen, then shook his head.

“Something wrong?”

“Misty. She can’t sleep and wants to know if I ‘got my girl yet.’ See?” He flashed her the phone.

Mystery read their last few messages, then wished like hell she hadn’t accused him of cheating. Now she felt somewhere between chastened and regretful. “She’s worried about you.”

He answered the woman quickly, and Mystery wished she knew what he’d said, but he tucked his phone away. “I might have been her protector, but she’s pretty protective, too.”

“Are you sad she won’t be there for you anymore?”

The kettle whistled on the stove, and before she could get to her feet, Axel made his way to it, poured the water, rummaged around for the honey and a spoon, then brought it to her. “Be careful. It’s hot.”

When he set the mug in front of her, their eyes met. She nodded solemnly, drowning in his deep blue stare. “Thanks.”

As she sat, he paused to collect his words. “We’ll always be friends. She can confide in me any time, and until she finds her One, I expect her to. Like any friend, if I see her floundering without someone to talk to, I’ll step in because I’m worried about her. But we didn’t ‘break up.’ We never had that sort of relationship to start with. But Misty wants more than I can give her.”

Of course she did. Mystery understood very well wanting more of Axel. “So she does want a boyfriend?”

He shook his head. “She wants a sadist. That’s not who I am.”

Mystery reared back, blinking at him. On the one hand, his admission relieved her. She didn’t have any interest in a man who yearned to give her pain. But . . . “Why would she want that?”

“I don’t think you’re a masochist, so you may not completely get it. But she enjoys the pain. It becomes its own pleasure. And in some cases, a masochist is able to release their internal pain with someone who torments them physically. It’s as if they can only process one agony at a time, so they have to let go of the one inside them. For some, like Misty, it’s really cathartic.”

“And you did that for her? You spanked or flogged or—”

“Sometimes. If she got really bottled up, I’d call in a sadist friend of mine from Houston and let him spend a few hours with her. She always seemed profoundly happy afterward.”

Mystery had a million questions. Had Axel minded watching another man give her pain? Had Misty slept with this other man, and had it bothered Axel? In fact, his whole arrangement with the woman boggled her mind. But the truth was, he didn’t seem upset about separating from Misty. Nor did he seem jealous that she might find someone else, only concerned that she’d find the right sort of someone. And Axel had been incredibly direct. The truth was, he could have told her that his thing with Misty was none of her business.

She sipped her tea and gathered her words. “You’re right. I don’t really get it. It might be selfish to say, but I’m glad you’re not with her anymore.”

“It’s for the best because we both want something else.” He dragged her chair closer. “After last night, I already knew I had to change my relationship with Sweet Pea. I couldn’t pull the emotional rug out from under her, but I also realized I couldn’t have sex with her anymore, not even for her sake. Not when I want you so much.”

Against her will, happiness flooded Mystery. She sat back in her chair, trying to sort everything out logically. Her mother might have called her foolishly trusting. Maybe Axel would hurt her in the end. On the other hand, she’d never know what could be if she didn’t give them a chance. She didn’t want to look back with regrets and wonder what if she’d really tried to believe in them? Right now, he must have a million doubts about her since she kept running out on him. The first time, he’d somewhat taken in stride. This last time, when she and Heath had fled Dominion? Mystery got the feeling she hadn’t begun to pay for that yet.

“Thank you for explaining. I overreacted when I saw you two. And I know you and I probably aren’t going anywhere, right? You live in Dallas and I live in London and—”

“Let’s cut the shit. I don’t know exactly what’s happening between us, but don’t sell us short. I want you. I don’t want it to end. I suspect I’m falling hard and fast—”

“I’m in love with you,” she blurted. As long as Axel was putting his cards on the table, she should, too. “I think I always have been. Seeing you with Misty . . . I freaked. I’m sorry. I guess I hit a sore spot with your mom and all by running off, but that wasn’t my intention.”

“I’ll be honest. That isn’t my only hang-up, but that’s my biggest.”

Mystery frowned. “She walked out on a husband and four boys? Just left?”

“Yeah. Said she was going to the grocery store. She drove into town, cleaned out our bank account, took our only car, and drove off. Last I heard, she’d shacked up with some guy in New Orleans.”

God, he must have been confused, sad, angry, lost. “You could track her down now and ask why.”

Axel shook his head, his frown telling her that he held in an emotional torment that haunted him. “I know why. She wanted more out of life than cooking and cleaning and working shifts at Walmart as a checker. She wanted adventure and money, not another fifteen years with the guy who’d knocked her up in high school. She’d been a baby having babies, and she’d come to the point in her life where she wanted something totally different than us.”

Her heart ached for him. She reached for Axel’s hand and squeezed it. “That had to be tough on you. How old were you?”

“Eight.” He didn’t state that her abandonment had hurt, but the stoic protector in front of her couldn’t keep the pain off his face.

Mystery slid out of her chair and climbed onto his lap. “You deserved more. She didn’t stay around to see what an incredible man you’ve become, and it’s her loss. You amazed me the day we met. You keep doing it every minute I’m with you.”

“Why do you keep leaving me, then?”

He asked the question so quietly, and it ripped her in two. She’d never imagined this big badass could look so vulnerable, and Mystery hated the fact that she’d put doubt in his heart.

“Look at us, both kind of lost in our own insecurities. You’re thinking I’m going to run out on you because it’s what your mother did. I’m thinking I’m not interesting or pretty enough, and a guy like you could get any woman he wanted, so of course you’d want women other than me. I’m just waiting, like my mom did, for you to cheat on me, even though we never committed to anything.”

“Bullshit. Maybe not with words, but what happened at Dominion felt pretty damn serious to me. You can’t look me in the eye and tell me that was just sex.”

Mystery shook her head. “That’s why seeing you with Misty crushed me. I’m afraid and I don’t want to wind up like my mom, you know?”

Axel held her close. “I do know. I don’t want to become a bitter, lonely alcoholic like my dad. So here it is: Giving you up after your rescue was something I had to do, not something I wanted to do. Giving you up now is something I won’t do without a damn good reason. I’m pretty sure it won’t be long before I’m telling you that I’ve fallen in love with you, too.”

Her insides went warm and gooey at his words. Just like everything else about him, his straightforward honesty amazed her. No game playing. No fronting. Just his unvarnished truth.

She smiled at him. “I’d like that.”

Axel brought her closer and gripped her face in his big hands. “But if you leave me again, I’ll be done. It’s not a threat, but an honest reality. I know myself and my limitations. I’m willing to stash my concerns now because we’ve had extenuating circumstances. But we’ve talked, so from here on out . . . If you run off, I’ll know it’s because you wanted and meant to. Are we clear??


A bolt of fear struck to the bottom of her heart. Then she dismissed it as foolish. As much as she adored Axel, why would she intentionally leave him again? “I’m not going anywhere. We’ll figure out where and how we can be together later.”

“I’m never going to fit into that whole Hollywood scene.”

She scoffed at him. “Neither do I. Why do you think I’ve retreated into books? Why I didn’t protest the move to London, despite the mostly dreary weather and terrible food?”

He heaved a breath. “I don’t have much—”

“Stop there. Without my dad, I don’t, either. He buys me nice things when we have to appear in public because my image affects his. If I showed up in something I bought three years ago at Debenhams, the press would write about it.”

“De what?”

She laughed. “It’s a department store in London. Decent stuff, but nothing designer. Dad won’t have it if we have to walk a red carpet. The rest of the time, I live pretty normally.”

He raised a tawny brow at her. “The TMZ shit?”

“Only happens in the States. Frankly, I didn’t expect anyone to even care that I was back in the country. But I guess having a renowned director for a father, a mother who died an infamous death, and being dramatically rescued from a kidnapper only to become a recluse makes me interesting to these people, huh?”

“I’m sure.” He shrugged. “Look, I don’t have all the answers, but I know I don’t want to let you go again, Mystery.”

A warm glow suffused her. She smiled at him with her heart in her eyes. “I don’t want to let you go, either.”

Axel gave her a slow nod. “Good. The man in me is satisfied that we’re on the same page and talking. I like it.”

Mystery had a feeling she knew where he was going with this, and her heart tripped, then speeded up. Her breasts turned heavy. Her pussy began to ache. “But the Dom in you?”

He sent her a dark smile. “Is itching to punish you, princess. Go upstairs and wait for me, naked and kneeling by the door.”

Chapter Fourteen

AXEL watched the sway of Mystery’s hips as she sashayed out of the kitchen. The room was small and frilly and dated, but somehow welcoming. He’d also bet it was well stocked. If Gail Leedy liked baking, then she’d have drawers full of pervertables. Axel wished like hell that he’d brought a toy bag, but he’d only managed to throw a few necessities in his duffel before the Santiagos’ plane had been fueled and ready. He didn’t like being unprepared, but he’d figure out how to adapt, improvise, and overcome.

Quickly, he found a wooden spoon, a few clothespins, a plastic container of rice, and a cutting board. He bypassed the twine probably used for things like tying turkey legs together. That stuff was tough on human circulation, and he wanted Mystery tightly but safely bound for what he had in mind.

Just as he perched the smaller items on the block of wood to take upstairs, he heard the back door creak open and slam shut. Axel cursed under his breath. Heath. Talk about bad fucking timing.

When the other man stormed in the kitchen, he didn’t look like the fresh air had improved his mood. Axel wished the asshole would give he and Mystery some breathing room.

Heath glanced at the bundle in his hands and cursed. “Are you joking, fuckwit? You’re going to paddle her with a wooden spoon like a naughty little girl for protecting her heart before you could crush it.”

Axel raised a brow. “And you helped her right out Dominion’s door, didn’t you?”

“She was upset,” he defended.

“She was vulnerable,” Axel growled in his face. “You took advantage of that because you’re dying to stick your cock in her and fuck her into next week. But Mystery is mine now. Get used to it. I intend to keep it that way.”

Heath ground his teeth together. “I shouldn’t be surprised you assume I have the most lascivious motive possible. I care about that girl—”

“That makes two of us.”

“I would lay down my life for her,” Heath argued.

“I did that when I barely knew her. I’d do it again. Are you trying to convince me that you’re not interested in having sex with her?”

“My personal feelings are none of your concern. Mystery’s safety and happiness are what I’m paid to upkeep, and frankly, I’ve given you too much latitude.”

“You haven’t given me shit except a hard time,” Axel argued. “Mystery and I talked through our problems just now and we know where we’re heading. I think I can make her happy. I have no intention of leaving, straying, or hurting her. You still got a problem with me?”

“And your girlfriend?” he challenged.

“Not my girlfriend. I already hashed this out with Mystery.”

“You truly have feelings for her?”

Axel was fucking tired of this guy being in his way all the time. “More than I can even express. I will never let anything happen to her as long as there’s a breath in my body.”

Heath sighed. “I need to talk to her.”

“Not going to happen right now. She’s waiting for me.”

“And everything in your hands?” He glanced at the items Axel had been balancing on the cutting board.

“What’s your point?”

Heath shook his head. “Forget it. We can argue later over Mystery’s love life. While I was walking about the farm, I started sorting through this tangle of events. There’s something about this setup I don’t like. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. Besides the three of us and Mystery’s aunt, who else knows we’re here?”

“My boss, Mitchell Thorpe, and the Santiago brothers. I think that’s it, and they would never tell anyone or put Mystery in danger. What about your stops on the drive along the way?”

“I concealed her with a baseball cap and some sunglasses in case people recognized her, but no one even glanced her way, and we did our best to stop a few miles from the freeway, at small establishments without many security cameras. I think we were safe.”

“So what’s making your hair stand up?” Axel asked. Because he had a few concerns that chafed him, too.

“First, we still don’t know who broke into her room and left the photo inside.”

True, and Stone was no doubt way busier with Sweet Pea than hacking into the hotel’s security recordings. He’d also probably crashed at the club last night, then had a five-hour drive home. With a grimace, Axel pulled his phone from his pocket and texted Stone. Right away, he got back a promise of information “soon.” What if that wasn’t soon enough?

Firing off another text to remind him that a life hung in the balance, he pocketed the device again. “I’ll give him another two hours before I bug the shit out of him.”

And Axel had to admit again that if Heath were guilty, he probably wouldn’t be pursuing that security footage from the hotel. If the film caught him sneaking into her room, his jig would be up. Sure, the stiff Brit could have paid someone to put the picture there, like the maid who usually provided turndown service or a maintenance worker. He’d be too slick to leave a trail leading back to him.

With a shake of his head, he filed that fact away until Stone came back with the film. “Something else bothering you about her stalker?”

“Everything. But what troubles me most is that he’s in control right now.”

Now Heath was speaking his language. “Agreed. I know Mystery wants to visit her aunt, but we’re cornered here. I’m not sure how the hell we solve her mother’s murder that took place in Southern California sixteen years ago while we’re stuck in rural Kansas.”

“Divide and conquer?”

As much as Axel would love to get Heath far away from Mystery, he shook his head. “It won’t be long until whoever’s terrorizing her realizes she didn’t hop a plane back to London. I’ll bet we’ve got twenty-four hours—tops—before this dirtbag gets suspicious. Where’s the first place he’ll come looking for her?”

“Here,” Heath answered grimly, gripping his chin

. “Bloody hell. So both of us need to stay here for her protection, it seems.”

“If you want to go investigate, I could call some buddies—”

“I can’t leave her side,” the Brit insisted. “Her father paid me to stay with her. I made a solemn vow that I wouldn’t let anything happen to her on my watch.”

Knowing what he knew about Heath now, Axel supposed the guy’s insistence had something to do with his wife’s murder. He couldn’t fault the Brit for that. “Totally get it. That means we’re cornered here. Nifty.”

“Indeed. With no new leads to follow.” Heath sighed.

Well, not exactly . . . Axel weighed how much he could trust Heath versus his need to solve this case. Figuring out who had killed Julia Mullins and might want Mystery dead trumped everything.