“You sure have a dirty mouth. It’s one of the things I like best about you. Well, besides this.”

He shifted his hips, hunkered down to a shallow squat, and just like that, he filled her in one mighty stroke. He caught her whimper in a tongue-tangling kiss.

The potent sensation of his c**k thrusting inside her, sleek and thick and hot, made her forget her first foray into exhibitionism and everything besides satiating her sexual greed for this man.

He f**ked her slowly, steadily and seamlessly. The jagged line of pubic hair above his c**k abraded her clit, creating friction so profoundly delicious she couldn’t concentrate on their kiss and she had to break it off.

Channing gasped for breath. Her mind spun and her head fell back against the cool metal, giving Colby total access to her neck. Like a heat-seeking missile, he zeroed in on the sweet spot; his moist lips left a tingle on her skin that burned hotter with every flicker of his scorching tongue.

“Oh, God, like that, don’t change a thing.”

“Not even like this?” On the upstroke he canted his pelvis slightly and that extra concentrated pressure did the trick.

Her pu**y clenched, that liquid pulsing began slowly, picked up speed like a runaway semi-truck, faster and faster and faster and then roared through her as she shattered.

Colby shifted again, grinding side to side as his teeth nipped the cord straining in her arched neck. “Come on, darlin’, take me with you this time. Bear down, bring me deep as you can.” As he pressed her knees out, she countered by squeezing her interior muscles.

“Goddamn. Yeah. That’s it, Chan, hang tight.” He didn’t plunge faster, he just let her pulsing body coax the orgasm from him, pulling him deeper as they rocked together with sweet intensity.

Spent, a single satisfied shiver traveled through him and she felt it as deeply as if her own body had generated it. With his face nestled against her collarbone, his labored exhalations cooled her dampened skin.

He muttered, “Shit.”


“No condom.”

“Oh shit,” she said.

“Yeah.” He angled back to look at her, apparently not caring that his hat was completely cockeyed. “Bad timing, huh?”

“Maybe not.” She dipped her head and studied the alabaster snaps on his shirt.

“What?” He tipped her chin back up. “Darlin’, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, really. Okay, I mean, there is something, it’s not wrong per se. I have a confession to make and I don’t want you to get mad at me.”

His eyes narrowed. “What?”

She blurted, “I’m on the pill. You probably figured out I don’t have much sexual experience and I’ve heard such horror stories about the STDs floating around out there that I wanted to make sure that I was always protected on all fronts. And damn. I’m sorry. After what happened with Jared, it just seemed safer to keep that information to myself.”

“Ssh, darlin’, stop babblin’. You don’t have to be defensive with me, all right? Believe it or not, I understand. And if it’ll ease your mind, I ain’t 98

been with a woman without wearing a condom since I was a green lad of about sixteen.”

“So you’re not mad?”

“Hell no.”

Channing closed her eyes. “Good. Thank you.”

“Can I ask you something?”


He shifted his hips, and a stream of moisture trickled down as he eased his spent c**k out of her tender body. “When it’s just you and me, can we skip the rubbers? ‘Cause I sure like really feelin’ you—just you—bare against me. There ain’t nothing like it in the world.”

She rubbed her cheek along his. “Sure. Speaking of you and me…where am I sleeping tonight?”

“Maybe the question oughta be where do you want to sleep tonight?”

“With you.” She felt him smile against her cheek.

“Good answer. We’re bunkin’ in the horse trailer. You need anything from the motel room before we hit the hay?”

“Just my toothbrush now that we’ve got that pesky condom issue cleared up.”

Colby chuckled and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. “You sore?”

“A little.”

“Mmm. Have we really only been together a coupla days?”

She stiffened up. “Yes. Why? Is time dragging?”

“No. On the road, time usually drags like an old dog. But it seems like you’ve always been around. I’m glad you’re here, darlin’.”

Probably not the first time he’d said such sugared words, but she’d take it since it was the first time anyone had ever uttered them to her.

She grinned. “Me too, cowboy.”

Chapter Nine

Colby was up early the next morning. As much as he wanted to start his day off with a bang and loll in bed with Channing, he knew she was sore. With good reason. He couldn’t get enough of her.

He kissed her exposed nipple, grinning when she purred and snuggled into him. Damn distracting woman.

Fortified with free coffee from the motel lobby, he knocked on the door to the room. “It’s Colby. Open the damn door.”

A click of the slide latch moving and then Trevor swung open the door. “Hey. What’s up?”

Colby peered over Trevor’s bare shoulder at the rumpled bed.

“Where’s Edgard?”

“Shower. He’ll be out in a minute. Before you ask, he’s already checked on the horses this morning.” Trevor yawned. “Where’s Channing?”

“Sleepin’ in the horse trailer.”

“Is she okay?”

“She is now.” Colby sipped his coffee and flopped in the chair by the windows. He told Trevor what’d gone down the previous night. “So, I don’t want her goin’ nowhere alone. She snuck off for that rowdy bar down the street and some greasy trucker was sniffin’ around.”

“You set him straight?”

“Damn right.”

“Did you get everything straightened out with her?”

Colby grinned. “Damn right. Why you think she’s sleepin’ like a baby?”

Trevor high-fived him. “Goddamn, Colby. If there was a woman alive who could change my wicked ways and make me want to settle down, it’d be her.”

“Amen, brother. But you’d have to fight me for her. So you understand why I want us all to keep a better eye on her.”