Being overfilled and stretched and used purely for pleasure? Hadn’t she secretly fantasized about that very scenario? Giving up all control.

Being… taken.

A small helpless noise erupted from her mouth.

“What?” Colby asked and sat back. “Tell me what you’re thinkin’.”

“It doesn’t shock me.”

His nostrils flared. “It excites you, don’t it?”

“Yes. But, I’ve never been with two guys at once or…”

“Or what?”

Channing paused for him to fill in the blanks.

He didn’t. Instead he swiped her beer and took a sip. “Say it in plain English, darlin’. You’d better be able to say it if you want us to do it to you.”

She knocked back a fortifying drink and muttered, “I’ve never tried anal sex.” There. That hadn’t been so hard.

A secret sexy smile bloomed on his face. “And you want that?”

She nodded, glancing away from the gleam in his eyes to study the sawdust and peanut shells strewn across the floor.

“Then say it,” he demanded.

Channing remained mute.

Gently, Colby tilted her face up, placing his lips to her ear. “Say it, sweetheart. I ain’t being a jerk. I need to be perfectly clear on what you want.” He licked the shell of her ear and blew softly. “Besides. It’s sexy as hell to hear those naughty words comin’ out of such an angelic mouth.”

Channing rubbed her face against the rough stubble on his cheek, lost in the sharp contrast of his male hardness to her female softness. He smelled heavenly. She whispered along his jaw, “I want you to be the first man to take my ass, Colby McKay. I want to know what it’s like to be with more than one man. Doing whatever you want to me.”

He sucked in a harsh breath. “Whenever we want it?”

The outer door opened and a beam of light slanted across the bar, bouncing off the mirror and blinding her. She scooted away and nestled her spine against the Naugahyde booth. “Within reason,” she said. “I’m not into exhibitionism. I’ll do whatever you want as long as it’s not in front of an audience.”

“What constitutes as an audience? Because Edgard and Trevor and I share most everything.”

“An audience is any other cowboys on the circuit.” She frowned, remembering Jared’s description of Trevor and Colby’s saddle-breaking exploits.

“I know that look. What have you heard?”

Channing told him.

Colby swore. “That’s a damn lie. Jared and some fella from Canada did that, not me and Trev. We’ve done some crazy things, but never nothin’ like that. We’d never disrespect a woman that way.”

Right then she realized Jared leaving her was a good thing.

He shifted uncomfortably on the creaky bench seat. She could see the outline of his c**k through his tight jeans. She squirmed in her already wet panties, imagining all the delicious things he planned to do with it.

“You object to bringin’ in another woman into our playtime?”

“Yes. Not something I’m interested in trying.”

He lifted a dark brow. “Can I ask why?”

She raised an eyebrow right back. “Besides the fact three cocks will be more than enough to keep me occupied?”

Colby grinned. “Homophobic?”

“Not at all. Girl on girl is just not for me.” She chomped a pretzel and pointed the jagged end at him. “And I don’t want to watch you f**king another woman either. Is that a problem?”

“Nope.” He brushed salt from her chin; his blunt fingertips leisurely traced the outline of her lips. “You’ve got the prettiest mouth.”

Everything inside her went hot and tight. “Then kiss me.”

“In a minute. Couple last things I need to know. You’ll suck me off, jerk me off, anytime I demand it?”

“Within reason. I’m not going to get on my knees right here.”

“Too bad. But sex toys and domination games are okay? I’m wicked good with ropes.”

An image arose. Her arms tied helplessly above her head, her legs spread-eagled. A blindfold covering her eyes. A bandana plugging her mouth to stifle the screams of raw pleasure. Powerless and begging under Colby’s towering body and punishing hands. She never would’ve dreamed that scenario would make her absolutely dripping wet. “Yes.”

“Would you let me spank you?”

Holy shit. That suggestion caught her off guard. People really did that? And liked it? “Umm. Would you hit me anywhere else?”

Colby frowned. “No. I ain’t that kind of man. But there is something about seein’ a rosy red ass that appeals to me. And don’t discount how sweet I can make punishments when you’ve been bad, shug.”

“This is starting to scare me,” Channing muttered.

“Nuh-uh. This is startin’ to excite you. So do we have a deal?”

She blurted, “Yes,” before she second-guessed herself and said no.

“Good. One more thing.”

She held her breath. She had a feeling this last question would be the most important one of all.

“Darlin’, pleased as I am that everything is up front with us, tell me why you’ve agreed to all my conditions.”

How did she explain without coming across as a desperate ho-bag?

But Colby wouldn’t judge her. And hiding the truth because she should feel embarrassed wouldn’t get her what she craved—this man, in whatever capacity he wanted her—if only for a week.

“Because I’m sick of worrying if I tell a man what I really want out of a sexual relationship that he’ll think I’m some kind of deviant. I’m tired of dating guys who see me as their mother, or the mother of their children. Or as a nice girl who’s happy with plain-old vanilla sex once a week and doesn’t want more. I want more. I want it all. I want to do things that I’ve only read about. And I want you to teach me.”

Colby’s fingers stroked her chin, then his hand slid up her jawline to cradle her face. “Believe it or not, I understand wantin’ to break free of expectations. I can be the lover who fulfills those desires, Channing. I can push you to the limit. But I’ll warn you: I am demandin’ and I like to be in control.”


“I’ve got to know you aren’t just sayin’ this. That you really mean it.

That you can handle what I’ve got planned.”