“Huh?” That catches me off guard. “What do you mean, another royal is added? Another King?”
“There are a few instances where the observers decide that certain members of each royal trinity are weak. Think of it as a missing link. Some can be in connection to their empire being too weak. Not enough funds. Not enough connections. Just not enough of a specific asset that can make them into a solid unit. These observers analyze how the first four months of school go and where each individual excels and fails. That’s also graded based on how the Maiden is treated. They determine, based oneach trinity set, whether another should be added. No different from when they can decide whether one is expelled.”
“Are you saying… there can only ever be three royals in each unit?” I summarize while absorbing the details of his revelation. “There can’t be four.”
“Never,” he confirms. “Just like there are three royal units, each composed of three Kings, Lords, or Heirs. Whatever title is before their royal positions is what they’re expected to be. Ruthless, meaning they are diabolically ruthless to those outside their circle. Whether that also means they’re ruthless to their Maiden is their choice.”
“But…” It’s suddenly making sense. “They don’t know whether being ruthless to their Maiden will gain them points in their favor or eliminate points.”
“Bingo,” Kian whispers. “And that’s where the real games begin. Where decisions are made and havoc ignites.” He looks far too proud that I’ve figured it out. “That’s why things always start in the realms of Carnage for the Ruthless Kings. They yearn for bloodshed because that is what they must do to claim their royal positions as Kings. Then comes the havoc of realizing whether their positions are secure or in jeopardy.”
I’m too invested not to know what would happen next.
“Obsession,” Kian’s voice gets lower, and he leans in until he rests his chin on his hands while his elbows rest on his knees. “Obsessed with making the right decision that will lead in their favor. Promote their survival. Ensure they maintain their Maiden and not have her exchanged.”
“Is there a finale?”
“There is,” he appeases my nagging curiosity. “Vengeance.”
I don’t know why the way he says it makes my lips quake and lift in pure elation, but they do.
Kian’s smiling with me.
“So, being a Ruthless Maiden can be quite a pain in the ass in the beginning.” He allows his deep voice to fade away, and for a moment, it feels like we’re having a girl-to-girl moment. His voice dips further in volume, yet it’s as high-pitched as I’ve ever heard. “But being a Ruthless Queen is worth fighting for. Especially when you get to choose your destined three and leave the rest begging for utmost mercy.”
The silence between us makes our smiles grow, but then something dawns on me.
“Your transition…” I whisper and narrow my eyes at him.
All he does is smirk and lean back into his seat.
“Being a man has its benefits,” he acknowledges with that baritone voice. “But having some feminine qualities can help those who are more deserving of being empowered.”
“So, when the time comes when I have to make a decision…” I whisper.
“I’ll be ready to continue aiding you,” he vows and gives me a wink. “In the ‘health’ department.”
“Thanks, Kian,” I whisper. “You’ve given me enough to make better moves.”
“You’ve done good thus far,” he compliments as he rises. Leaning over as if to grab something from beside me, he whispers in my ear, “But you know you can do better, Gemini. You hold power. So much power, and these little boys know damn well you can ruin them.”
Leaning back, our faces are just inches apart.
“So dwell in your feminity and walk these men like the dogs they are. Leave them quivering for your touch. Frustrated by the absence of it. Craving for your endless attention and affection. Let them realize you’re a gift, and no one else would be right to be their Ruthless Maiden. Then begin to rise to your calling. Make your alliances. Love the ones who will do anything in theirpower to protect and serve you. Let them treat you like the Queen you fucking are.”
“And… if they don’t bow to my reign?” I whisper.
All I can think of is Domino and his distasteful glare.
“Then replace him.” The words are spoken with that feminine touch. “And let his entire world crumble until he begs for redemption.”
Leaning away, he turns around and whispers something I almost miss.
“Only, they won’t be worthy of redemption. You’ll realize that soon enough, and when you do, you’ll know I’m only a call away.”
I swallow the lump in my throat, wondering if that’s how this path will lead us.