Page 11 of Dak

“Fucking hell boys, you just signed our damned death warrants,” Slither muttered as he lowered his head.

Chapter Six

When they arrived at the Sinners compound, it was still in chaos as far as cleaning debris and attempts at fixing a safe entrance for everyone to use. The SUV pulled up to the area where the front was now.

Hawk and Pony came out to greet them.

“Leon’s sending a car,” Hawk informed Prosper.

Dak and Austa exited the vehicle as two armed Sinners came forward to guard the men in the SUV.

“Wait!” one of the younger men in the SUV called out. “Austa?”

Stopping, she turned to glare at him.

“You're our sister, right?” Fang asked.

Shrugging, Austa replied, “I’m not sure.”

“But dad said you were his useless daughter from Glens Falls,” Viper added.

“Maybe?” She shrugged.

“Maybe?’ Fang snapped. “If you weren’t our sister, how come you followed us?”

“Yeah,” Viper said. “We saw you a couple of times.”

“Maybe I wanted to stop Bear from all the evil he’s been doing.”

“But you didn't,” Fang said.

Viper nodded. “And that’s was cause you couldn’t! A weakass female like you couldn’t stop our Daddy!”

Staring at them, she shook her head.

“Well boys, that might be true about Bear,” Dak stated. “But she sure as hell helped us to find you. And she took two of you down as a matter of fact. Without her, you all would be free to do your evil. But she led us right to you. There is nothing weakass about this girl.” Dak took her arm and escorted her inside.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she whispered to Dak when they got inside.

“No, but it sure as fuck felt good.”

She turned her head to look at Dak and then she laughed.

This was the first time he had ever heard her laugh and he simply could do nothing but stare at her.

Deke’s head shot up as he stood with his dad by the tables. He stared at Austa with wide eyes. He then made his way over to where Austa and Dak were. He studied her face for a moment before he asked, “Do you look like your mother?”

Austa paused and nodded. “More like her than Bear I guess. Why?”

“What was her name?” He wanted to know.

Austa narrowed her eyes and asked, “Why do you want to know?”

“I’m just curious I guess.” Deke shrugged.

“Tawny Drake.” Austa stared at him.

“And she lived in Glens Falls when you were born?” Deke questioned.